Starkrun: ......
Are you Serious? I can install F3 as much and as many times as i want... it requires nothing more then a loader program that can set all launcher settings and 100% bypasses GFWL....
Yes. I am serious. I can install FNV as much and as many times as I want as well.... It requires nothing more than a one time activation over internet at install - internet isn't required to play.
Although GFWL was only used for achievements in vanilla FO3, I think you may be forgetting about the original distribution of DLCs over GFWL - and how this will be much better with steam.
Starkrun: i never have to worry about authorizing it again, i can play it whenever however i want.... with FNV unless a fixed EXE is made there is no way to backup the game so I have a copy i can play when ever however i want.
I honestly don't think you fully understand your options. You can back-up your game all day to DVD, hard disk, flash drive, etc. Again the only difference here is one time online activation at install - internet not needed to play.
Starkrun: If i can get 100% confirmation that the game can be made to run without the need for steam running i will go out the next day and buy the collectors edition instead of waiting for the coming GOTY next year for the ps3. I haven't bought a PC game at launch since Fallout 3... i own 3 copies of it now, PC Collectors, PC GOTY and Ps3 GOTY
Although steam is required to run the game it is not required to be connected online to play it ever - only at install. Under your same logic, you should have boycotted FO3 as well due to GFWL. It was required to run with FO3 as it was integrated without the option to remove or not install it but wasn't required to be connected to run the game - just like steam. Again the only difference here is the one time online activation at install.
Starkrun: The simple point is Fallout3 ran without the internet and CD at launch. New Vegas forces you to have the internet and now they lied and didn't provide the bypass EXE outside of the launcher.
I agree that it sucks this isn't the case with FNV, but I'll trade this for getting DLCs over steam and once it fixed - the steam cloud storage feature any day.
Again, to put it in perspective, the only difference is a one time online activation at install - no other restrictions.