Posted April 28, 2011

Yet another reason I miss the good ol days when GOGs were new...

Console developers continue to refine their games to better utilize the console hardware, so the 3rd Uncharted game that is due out this year is going to look better than the first one with THE SAME hardware I bought back then.

As for upgrading, PC games have been stagnating for years because they're just ports from consoles with far, far less powerful hardware. There are probably only a handful of games on the market that can stress a high-end PC these days because it's about a bazillion times more powerful than the consoles most games were designed for.
Heck, my laptop plays any game I've bought in recent years with high to maximum graphics settings and the GPU is only twice as fast as the one I bought in 2005 for my old desktop machine (and used until 2008).
Not to mention that talking about not having to worry about DRM on consoles is amusing when the Playstation network is down now and for the forseeable future.
You may be able to get buy without upgrading your hardware, but you are not going to be able to top out the graphics in your games on that same hardware as time goes by (not the case with a console).
Agreed, PSN issue has been a pain - but I personally don't play multiplayer games so it has little no to no effect on me.
I'm not a console fanboy by any means, I still love PC games - I just stopped appreciating how expensive it got to keep up on the curve with hardware. PCs still have consoles beat when it comes to RTS games, you can't beat the keyboard and mouse with those
Post edited April 28, 2011 by rjspring