taniawi: Hi I hear so many great things about this game.
I have a xbox360 and pc. The PC is not that powerful maybe like 5 years old.
I am confused with the order of the game and will like to start from the beginning. Is the fallout 1 on xbox360?
I see it is on gog but there is also a collection on amazon. Does gog fallout version work better. I would prefer to support gog.com
Also, I know fallout 3 is positive on xbox 360. Is that a good game to buy for the xbox 360?
Is fallout a hard game to play? It looks like so much fun.
Thank you...
In my second undergraduate year of university, my marks dropped about 25%. The wonderful grades that I, at the time, needed for validation as a meaningful human being all vanished amidst a sea of organic chemistry lab reports, calculus exams, and genetics papers. I'd like to think that it was a combination of burn-out, classes I had little interest or investment in, and a rather nasty ending to a friendship with a girl with whom I was secretly in love.
But actually, I blame Fallout 2. I bought it when the Mac OS X release first hit the streets; I'd heard about this "Fallout" game thing before, a game which was sort of like Baldur's Gate but with...guns? Mutants? A post-nuclear holocaust setting?! I opened the box outside of my genetics lecture room, cracked open the exhaustive manual, and got lost. For the next few months, I lived in the Wasteland. I hunted mutant gekkos, searched for a missing sister, and travelled to California to battle a mysterious cult. I loved each and every minute of it. I reloaded and replayed battles again and again not just to see how different tactics would work, but to savour the taste of victory.
Oh, Fallout 2.