While I'm certainly interested and have heard a lot of good things about the show, the fancy suits won't let me have it because I happen to live on the wrong side of the Atlantic pond. So, if this turns out to be as good as it's hyped, I might have to torrent it.
I'm not proud of it, but I am not about to wait for months on end for the bluray release while everyone posts spoilers on forums and whatnot. So yes, I am probably going to pirate it (and Terra Nova too) because American TV companies don't give me a competitive choice. They bring this upon themselves.
That said, I will still certainly buy it whenever I can, multiple copies at that to make up for the damage I caused. Me pirating (a very, very rare occurrence, let me assure you) does not equal lost sale in any case.
Now, if only the ageing entertainment industry would learn a thing or two from the PC games segment, I think it would be beneficial for everyone. I want to be legitimate about all my entertainment, but the American TV folk won't have my money, they won't have me as audience, so what would would they have me do? *sigh*
I want it it said that this is a prime example of how TV is simply outdated; that the philosophy of the thing is still stuck in the eighties. They just don't realize that there's a much bigger world with a much richer audience out there if only they could open up for it. They won't adapt to us, and we can't adapt to them. It's a stalemate that didn't have to be there. They just don't know, they haven't got a clue of the millions they miss out on because they can't grow up and adapt to the modern world. Their loss. And ours.
Post edited June 18, 2011 by Skystrider