Psyringe: Although the game _should_ be right up my alley (I love turn-based strategy games, I love fantasy settings, I loved playing - and sometimes still play - Master of Magic, Heroes of Might and Magic, Age of Wonders, etc.), I have little to no interest in "Fallen Enchantress" at this point.
There are several reasons for this:
1. The game's predecessor failed so spectacularly, and on so many levels, that I'm now very careful about buying Stardock games. They had earned my trust before (Galactic Civilizations 1 and 2 were some of the very few games that I bought at full price, and they were worth it), but the horrendous, pitiful state of Elemental on release has annihilated this trust pretty effectively.
2. I'm not sure if they have the people to pull off such a project. Signing up Jon Shafer, the man whose design ideas botched Civilization V, as a campaign designer, didn't really diminish my skepticism.
3. According to beta testers, the game is still rough around the edges, and especially the enemy AI feels incomplete and plays atrociously bad.
4. The game is tied to Steamworks.
So, if they decide to offer a cheap non-Steamworks version some years along the road, I might bite, out of curiosity of how they tried to salvage that train wreck that "Elemental" came to be. But as a full-price Steamworks game? Naah, sorry.
A couple things.
(1) The game does not use Steamworks. Even the version on Steam doesn't use Steamworks. Downloading it is just a URL and huge setup.exe.
(2) Anyone who bought War of Magic in 2010 or before gets Fallen Enchantress for free. Hopefully, that will restore some of the lost confidence some people had with Stardock.