koima57: What is troubling you? That I wrote "chicks with a dick does not exist"? Crude words but I meant no disrespect, only that having a penis makes a person a male to my perception, and unless said person go through a sex surgery for a vagina, I would still consider "her" as male.
StingingVelvet: Gender is a social term, sex is a biological term. Having a penis makes your sex male, but you can still choose to live as a woman and have that as your gender.
At least that's what politically correct class taught me.
Actually, no, your politically correct class was wrong. Brace yourselves, people (or just scroll to the next post), this is going to be TL;DR.
don't have strict definitions outside of math. Words are pointers to clusters of things: you look at a cluster you want to talk about, fund a word for it, say it to another person, and that person matches the word with another cluster that hopefully resembles yours.
Humans have all sorts of measurable physical characteristics. And it happens that the values of these characteristics tend to cluster in two clouds of increased probability density. Group A tends to have XX chromosomes, a shorter height, ovaries, a vagina, no facial hair, no tendency to baldness, less body hair, emphazised mammaries, etc. Group B tends to be higher, go bald with age, have XY chromosomes, testicles, a penis, facial hair, more body hair, and a flat chest. People saw these naturally occurring clusters and decided, hey, let's invent words for them.
Now specific people don't necessarily match every single distinguishing characteristic of a cluster, or even have "either" variant from each group where the variants are not [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complement_(set_theory)]complementary[/url]: some people are born with a nonstandard set of chromosomes, no genitalia, both sets of genitalia, one teste and one ovary, etc.
Which means there's no mathematical definition of "biological sex" (penis = male, vagina = female) the way there's a mathematical definition of complementary sets.
A particular society, being faced with the reality of comprising all those randomized people, may regulate the differences in various ways. For example:
- the stronger hairy group shall be known as Men, hunt, farm, make war, and marry Women;
- the weaker smooth group shall be known as Women, work at home, cook, raise children, and marry Men;
- whoever is strong and hairy but does not want to be a Man can announce herself a Woman and should do what other Women do, including marry Men;
- whoever is weak and smooth but does not want to be a Woman can announce themselves to be a Militant Lesbian Feminazi. They should do when Men do but can marry only other Militant Lesbian Feminazis.
- everyone else should be Fed To Lions.
Our ("Western") society tends to
recognize two genders, which is to say, it has different expectations and makes different demands of people of different genders, and this recognition extends
far beyond even the most extreme demands of gender equality proponents. These expectations and demands are continuously reinforced by everything in society from law to language to pop culture.
When a child is born, people look at it and
assign it a gender based on its external genitalia (because it's the single most prominent characteristic a child possesses). Usually, things work out relatively fine: the child with a vagina grows up to have curves, tits, falls in love with a dude, etc.
Other times, it doesn't:
- She might want to marry a woman, and her society doesn't allow* her to. This is a gay rights issue.
- She might want to read, drive, wear pants, and learn to be a java programmer (just kidding**, no one wants to be a java programmer), and her society doesn't allow* her to. (Or a man might be saddled for life with being a legal father of a child a woman tricked him into conceiving, or denied adoption because "a babby needs a wimmin'z nurture!!!1!") This is the basic issue of gender equality.
- The child, without any outside interference, might grow up to have the characteristic "male" narrow hips, flat chest, body hair, facial hair, deep voice, and baldness. Whether something should be done about it is up to the person and/or parents (also: more data is needed) but you have to agree it's
not typical.
* "allow" doesn't just mean a legal ban; it can also include other types of arbitrary social disapproval of a constructive choice.
** in-joke
- And finally, the child might decide, "Yes, I know women have the same professional opportunities across all social strata and can marry any consenting adult they please, but I
feel like a dude."
All those issues go under the larger umbrella of gender rights / 117th Wave Feminism, both because they have to do with gender and because the opposition tends to trot out the same (bullshit) arguments. I get them. Whom I don't get are the nominal progressives who claim to support gender rights and yet stop short of supporting trans rights. If you think women should be equal or are
already equal, and thus a transwoman is not shirking any "natural" responsibilities / disrespecting the "natural" rights of a dick-owner, and a transman is not cheating his way out of the kitchen into the privileged caste,
what other objections can you have?
I actually know of one persistent objection, and I'm going to kick it right in the utility function. Specifically, people say hormone therapy and gender reassignment surgery damage one's health and thus shouldn't be performed. The second clause is
bullshit, because being constantly misgendered already damages one's health like you wouldn't believe. No one
wants to be trans. (It's true that some people don't really need hormones and surgery, they are just super confused and super essentialist to the point that they
don't know they can wear pants and have functioning brains while also being women, and given how our culture obsesses over true wuv, it wouldn't surprise me to learn that a not-insignificant share of people want an operation just to match the sexual orientation of their true wuv. But the job of a doctor is not to figure out how to
prevent the patient from having reassignment, it's to find out if the patient knows what they actually want. )
Still, more people being happy with whatever healthy genitals they have (this includes men looking for penis enlargement) is
better than more surgery. And the way to ensure it is to
stop obsessing over people's genitals. People are whatever gender they say they are, and presenting one's nether regions for certification is not mandatory. And no one is going to hold it against you or cry fursecution if you initially address people as whoever they most seem likely to be given known cultural expectations. Looks like a typical man? Say "sir". Looks like a typical woman? Say "ma'am". Unsure? Ask, and try to get it right next time. You're much more likely to offend a hetero cis person with accidental misgendering than any minority, because there are
way more of them and they aren't necessarily
consciously aware of cultural expectations.