Telika: And, heck, if an intrusive internet social network wants accurate answers, it makes sense to let the "Catholic but not always because most of times a little buddhist still leaning towards new age when i read ufo stuff but going to church when my grandma asks me to on easter but otherwise only praying twice a month" option available. But...
Is it really something to get all riled up about ?
For those who want to exhibit - this option, or that (from these 50 or some other list) might be fine, but...
...I would guess that the platform itself does not give a toss how these persons might feel about themselves, but how they might click, like or connect for marketing trends data.
Diversity is nothing to get riled up about, but it is something that might possibly be used. Therefore, I always understand a certain discretion as well in platforms such as Facebook.
What to me is more relevant is de-facto diversity. This I think is certainly lacking, as I have never had an openly homosexual manager, and even a female manager has been one in six minority.