+1 Very nice give away, not in.
medusa86: My name is medusa86, and I am ready to face my innermost fears.
This will sound a little stupid, but I used to be terrified by bugs. Even seeing a bug in a movie or a picture made me recoil... Finally one day I went camping with my brother, we choose the place where to put up the tent, but there was this big rock on the way. I helped him pick it up and suddenly all this little crawlers began walking over me, I literally freeze. Then I realized that this bugs where actually trying to get away from me, and not attack me and kill me in horrible ways. From that day on, I don't have any problems with any bugs (except bees, I know they want to conquer the world and I'll prove it)
Thanks for the giveaway and good luck to all!
Glad to see you got over your fear of bugs, it is very common to be afraid of bugs and/or spiders.
One of my neighboors was afraid of birds.