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"My name is marsrunner, and I am ready to face my innermost fears."

Looks nice and creepy, so I'm definitely in!

+1 and thanks for the giveaway!
Aniki: My name is Aniki, and I am ready to face my innermost fears.

Thank you!
My name is dragonsreach, and I am ready to face my innermost fears.

+1, thanks for the GA and please put me in for Aniki.
Post edited December 21, 2013 by dragonsreach
Not in, already got his, but good idea for a giveaway (+1).
"My name is park, and I am ready to face my innermost fears."
My name is theslitherydeee, and I am ready to face my innermost fears. I have a pretty common one, fear of the dark as a child. This was developed by my siblings, every night they would pull nasty little tricks on me. After a point I was always freaking out in the dark because I was waiting for them to come get me. Eventually they grew tired of tormenting me at night, however my fear of the darkness remained. So finally becoming sick of it I shut myself up in a dark room and stayed there for hours; I just kept telling myself that I was enjoying myself and it worked. Now I scare them because I walk around at night without turning the lights on so they freak out when they bump into me.
All of you who followed OP's instructions tempted fate. Good luck, now.

Lol, thanks for the GA and +1 (not in).
Humble bump (humbump).
My name is medusa86, and I am ready to face my innermost fears.

This will sound a little stupid, but I used to be terrified by bugs. Even seeing a bug in a movie or a picture made me recoil... Finally one day I went camping with my brother, we choose the place where to put up the tent, but there was this big rock on the way. I helped him pick it up and suddenly all this little crawlers began walking over me, I literally freeze. Then I realized that this bugs where actually trying to get away from me, and not attack me and kill me in horrible ways. From that day on, I don't have any problems with any bugs (except bees, I know they want to conquer the world and I'll prove it)

Thanks for the giveaway and good luck to all!
+1 Very nice give away, not in.

medusa86: My name is medusa86, and I am ready to face my innermost fears.

This will sound a little stupid, but I used to be terrified by bugs. Even seeing a bug in a movie or a picture made me recoil... Finally one day I went camping with my brother, we choose the place where to put up the tent, but there was this big rock on the way. I helped him pick it up and suddenly all this little crawlers began walking over me, I literally freeze. Then I realized that this bugs where actually trying to get away from me, and not attack me and kill me in horrible ways. From that day on, I don't have any problems with any bugs (except bees, I know they want to conquer the world and I'll prove it)

Thanks for the giveaway and good luck to all!
Glad to see you got over your fear of bugs, it is very common to be afraid of bugs and/or spiders.
One of my neighboors was afraid of birds.

ps. bees are amazing pollinators.
Like hell I'm ready :P

Thanks, but no thanks. Run, coward! Run away, run away!
Not in but +1 i have played it when was released for steam the 4th, i take the key from a bundle was really a good title
Post edited December 20, 2013 by Xibalba
Thank you for the giveaway, mondo84, but I'm just fine hiding under my bed. About overcoming my fears, once a cockroach startled me so I went "super saiyan mode" and stomped on it!

Not in! +1
Last bump. I'll probably close this within a few hours or by the end of the day at the latest.
My name is [username], and I am ready to face my innermost fears.

I'm afraid of playing this game, but I am ready to conquer that fear.
not in but +1 for the giveaway, very cool atmospheric game!!!