soulgrindr: Ooohh no. I have to start another app at the same time i start my game. OMG its the end of the world!
If you don't like any of the extra features steam adds then ignore it... its like saying you won't buy that Ferrari because you don't like the interior color of the trunk.
*so so so confused*
- FIle -> Go Offline.
- Right click game, choose properties. Updates tab. Select no updates.
Thing is, Steam fans are always going on about how great and how much value the added features of Steam are. But if you have no use for those features, what use is Steam? It's just another app and DRM scheme. Sure, you can ignore those features, but why would you want to have to load another app on your system when you don't NEED or WANT anything it offers?
As I said, if people like Steam, that's great. More power to them. But I don't like it, and I'm not speaking out of my ass on it, since I have it and have used it for Mass Effect. I don't like it.
And as for just buying a game you want and ignoring the fact that you need Steam, I won't do that either. I won't support that kind of tactic, the same as I won't buy a game I really want if it has the on-line activation and limited activation DRM model (such as Mass Effect, Spore, and a host of others have). I will not show monetary support for that kind of thing. Does that mean I'll miss out on some great games and not be able to play games I really want to play? You bet. But life goes on. It's not going to affect me all that much if I miss them. There are plenty of other games out there.