reaver894: So no updated GPU for me then :-(
Anyway wheres the stick of ram going to???
OP left it seems. I have an old dusty but fine radeon 4670 w/1gb DD 2(or is it 3?) and it's PCI Express x16. Can you make use of it?
Tyler62092: Problems:
Sometimes starts, sometimes doesn't
Can't be restarted immediately, I have to wait about an hour. Otherwise it will repeatedly shut off and start up again until I force it to shut down.
Sound doesn't work, rendering most things useless to me if I can't hear it.
Adobe, Flash, and Javascript software don't work most of the time, rendering even more things useless. I've tried several workarounds and fixes for this and the sound problem but none have helped.
Overheats easily, even with frequent fan-cleaning.
The battery doesn't last more than a few minutes.
Power cord is duct-taped.
Annoying popping sounds.
So... do I win at having the suckiest computer? :D
As for the overheating(which is my guess as to why the pc shuts down and can't be started for a bit afterwards until it cools down/etc) could fix that by opening up the laptop itself and dusting the whole thing out...including the various internal fans and heatsinks.
The sound could be due to a failing sound chipset or card inside the case, or failing speakers. Have you tried plugging mini laptop external speakers into the laptop's headphone jack to see if the speakers are the problem?
But yeah your pc is very sucky's dyin' man. :( :\