Okidoki - as promised, an analysis of Twisters bandwagon.
Hard facts so far....
N0x0ss Bandwagon
1 - Sirprimalform
3 - Robbeasy
4 - TwisterBE - known Town
5 - P1na --unknown....but in all likelihood Town (unless Mafia Nk their own, or were got by some sort of Serial Killer / Vigilante / god knows what else)
6 - Quadralien -known Town
7 - Lifthrasil
Twister Bandwagon
1 - Lifthrasil
2 - Twilightbard
3 - JoeSapphire
4 - Sirprimalform
5 - Jmich
Hard facts - Lifthrasil, CSPVG, Sirprimalform been on both bandwagons.
Onto analysis then...
Lifthrasil, after hammering last time , is first on this time (post 480) - justification is Twisters vote on him and seeming fixation.
I followed Lifthrasil very next post - at that time I felt Twisters reason for voting in Day1 for N0x0ss was extremely thin, and he had repeated himself in Day2. This vote was removed in post 509, I was going away for 4 days without internet access and didnt want a vote on anyone should new info have come up while i was gone. But here's the rub - my vote was NOT counted in the official tot up by Vitek in post 498 anyway. I've just noticed this - I have absolutely no idea why my vote was removed, unless it was a mistake by Vitek. Although he even says in 531 he made a mistake in the previous votecount, and has corrected it! Wha?? I can only think my vote didnt count anyway - feck knows why..
So we move onto Twisters edit post. Interesting dynamic here - loads of people jumped on it.
First on was Flubbucket in post 581.
Twilight almost straight after in post 583.
Sirprimalform also jumps on in 587.
After a few posts of discussion, Joe clambers on the bandwagon in post 599.
Sirprimalform then jumps off in post 602, to prevent a speedlynch.
Flubb also jumps off in post 613, and jumps straight onto Quadralien.
Sirprimalform jumps back on in post 616.
Jmich is next to last on in post 640, citing interest in avoiding no-lynch.
Hammerer is CSPVG - post 642. Also cites no-lynch as reason, but also backs it up with other reasons.
So - speculations...
Interesting that two out the three who were on both wagons have claimed vanilla, and the third a 'sort of' vanilla
My vote being ignored / removed - no idea, are there any powers in the game that stop someone voting next day??
Twisters post edit - although a no-no, there were a few people in rather a hurry to pile on. Flubb almost straight away, then jumps off again a little later. Happy with a bandwagon start on an innocent, so keen to get off so can be seen to be clean when he flips town there?
exactly the sme could be said of Sirprimalform, although he does qualify his jump off with a stated desire not to see a speedlynch. Bangs his vote back on as soon as Flubbs is removed though - worried about the fish getting off the hook at all?
Twilight - cites the typo slip, and doesn't ever see the need to remove his vote. Consistent at least.
Joe - states time is short, and bangs his vote in quickly as well. Asks for a claim, so could be seen as a pressure vote. still , timings of both of above are a little suspect.
Jmich - late vote, as deadline is looming. Could be seen as an easy getout for Mafia. Especially as he didnt really have a proper reason in his post
Hammerer - CSPVG. Cited need to avoid no-lynch, but also backed up his hammer with other reasons. Hammerer always comes under suspicion, extra justification trying to avoid added suspicion, or the actions of someone not quite sure?
Personally, the biggest things that can be taken from the bandwagons are the ones who are on both - I would peg at least one of them as Mafia.
Which leaves me with Lifthrasil, CSPVG and Sirprimalform.
Current vote is on CSPVG as his claim seems weakest to me, but I'm going to wrap this up for now and look at the claims tomorrow and how they affect my thinking, taking into account what I've written here..