Right. To start off with, unvote. From the reactions of others, "your playstyle bloody annoys me" should be considered insufficient evidence for a vote, and... Well, I suppose I've got to consider the fact that if Flub flipped town, I'd be the one being lynched the next day as well. :)
I keep coming back to TwisterBE's post #449 - something about it really doesn't seem to match up with the rest of the game. I suppose given post #323 it could be more of a re-interpretation but... Oh, I don't know what I'm on about. Blast it, did no-one think to investigate this man during the night, or am I just too daft to notice breadcrumbing these days?
I've noticed I still don't really have any form of read on SPF or Robb. This is worrying, especially as a voice at the back of my head keeps thinking "It's probably Robbeasy!". :P Rerereading will be attempted this evening.