N0x0ss: SirPrimalform is playing it too safely for his own good.
Surely that's a contradiction in terms.
Anyway, six scummiest reads:
Flubbucket's claim - I don't want to let go of this lest I forget it. An unprovoked softclaim so early in the game is always suspicious.
N0x0ss's contradictions - Seemingly claiming one thing, then contradicting himself and finally saying it was a clever plan. Far too mafia for my tastes.
Pazzer's contradiction - Twiglet has caught Pazzer out contradicting himself there, but I'm not sure how seriously to take it when he's asked to be replaced.
SirPrimalform's absense - Generally not posting as much as he should, would probably make excuses if you let him. Hopefully he'll start to post things of more substance soon.
I can't think of anything else at the moment but I do have a head full of cold (told you!).