michaelleung: AIR is a developer
nightmare. Can you imagine having to recode programs and making everything look Flash-like?
I kind of like it - I'm not a programmer and know nothing if Java or C++, but with my skills in HTML, CSS and Javascript I can still develop locally running applications with save/load functionality that my subjects - eh, friends, I mean - can use without always being connected to the 'net. (I don't know flash/flex either, and I don't need it to develop AIR applications).
What about having to recode programs to look flash-like?
What in the nine hells is a "flash-like" look? You mean to say that applications coded in flash/flex are bound by a specific set of graphical rules? I'd say that's fully up to the designer of the application, a good craftsman doesn't blame his tools, he learns to use them (yes, I know that might sound like a personal attack).
Developer nightmare?
Those of you that don't want to develop in AIR are by no means forced to - you can still code in Java, C, C++, C#, Python, Visual Basic, COBOL, Delphi, Fortran, whateversuitsyourfancy, or any other language. HTML, CSS, Javascript, and even Flash/Flex are good enough tools for us that do not know real programming languages.