Posted June 27, 2011
Funny you should ask...YES, I do buy games because I know they will be huge time sinks...not because I really have all the time in the world to play them...but, because I have found that there is only about 2 or so games typically a year that come out that I really really like, and all those games for the most part are huge (length wise) or very replayable...Of course, I don't get the new games (they cost too much overall) I'll wait for them to become real cheap, then I will buy the ones that seem appealing, and usally these are bigger sized games...I will try each one out, until I find one that I can't seem to stop playing, and wahlaa I've found the game I will be playing for the next 6 months or so...Actually, Mount and Blade: Warband has been my main game now for over a year, so go figure...I do still play other games when I get bored of my favorites, but, time is sparse I must admit...My motto is Play what you like, don't compromise and play games you don't like as much just because they are shorter, play what you love, it's the only way to game on. :)