Wraith: Any other forum dwellers playing EVE? I recently jumped back into it and was wondering if anybody else here was playing it. Been just doing missions for the last week or so while I build up my skills and cash for new ships/upgrades. Would be fun if there were people I actually knew from here playing it :P
I'll be honest, I've avoided it, was afraid of what might happen. I didn't have time for WOW and certainly don't for EVE.
I was so cracked out on WOW early on that I had a level 59 Warlock rank 11 (yes, 3 ranks below the top) with an epic mount. That was my alt, and I spent that kind of time on him. Yeah, screw WOW (or me, however you want to see it). I'm avoiding EVE like the plague.
I do like DDO, I think I've spent maybe 12 hours this year on it.