qre3o: I'm considering trying it out what do you guys think?
I've played EVE on and off since 2006 and all I can say is that it crushes anything on the market today when it comes to content and size. Since it's not a linear, brain dead "hack 'n slash" WoW style, the learning curve is steep as hell and if you're not into that kind of game play, stop reading :)
If you're still interested then here are some bsic info.
At first it seems like EVE is a nice little space simulator MMO but i'd say EVE is divided into three different simulators.
1. A political simulator
EVE has THE biggest gamer influence when it comes to the game world itself as well as in-game features and future implementations. There is actually a council that consists of players that communicate with the developers regarding the game world and upcoming features.
2. An economical simulator.
The economy in EVE is frikkin advanced on a country size level. They have economical engineers that monitors the in-game economy and a change of player sovereignty (yes players can "own" systems) could mean a huge impact on the market. Taxes and all that fun stuff are implemented and the mechanics actually allow for players to run banks (not really an easy thing but still possible).
3. A space simulator.
The game itself is of course played in space. The world consists of over 5000 solar systems, where a large part of the outer rim is claimable by player corporations. Besides that there are over 2000 "worlmhole systems" that are uncharted and filled with danger and goodies. You can fly everything from cargo ships, mining ships, battleships and all the way up to big ass "titan" warships, so there are lots of options to choose from.
Then we have the skill system... a tedious frustrating system that I personally love. All skills needed for everything requires real-time training, meaning it takes a whole crap load of time to learn stuff. All skills can be trained from lvl 1 to 5. Lvl 1 may take a few minutes to learn while training from 4 to 5 may take days, weeks or even more then a month. Got a lvl 5 qued up now that will take me 32 days...
However, since it requires real time to train, the timer continues even when logged off. Basically as long as you are training, your character will be advancing even when you are logged off so your pals won't out-run you :)
In short, IF you wish to play EVE, expect to spend several hours learning how the basics work and then months trying to figure out what the hell you want to do in the game, and then finally do it. The entire game is basically run by super corporations and alliances of players so it's a social game where lots of friends = more fun. Of course you can run solo pirate but lots of friends = access to help, resources and so on :)
I really love the game because of it's sheer size and advanced mechanics. All expansions are free as well and the nice integration with Dust 514 for the PS3 opens up an interesting future for cross platform gaming :)
So IF you are interested, i can send a 21 day trial instead of that default 14 days that exists.