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Pemptus: Hi, I need some American help delivering JUSTICE to the Steam pricing system! Can some kind Yank buy 4 (four) Serious Sam HD Double Packs currently on sale (8 hours remaining!) and trade them to my inventory via the trading window thingy? Me and my wallet would be super grateful.
They're 2.99$ apiece, so 4 x 2.99 = 11.96$ or hell, even 12$. THINK OF THE PROFIT!

I can paypal you the amount or buy you a gog and paypal you the rest, or however you want it.
Thanks in advance!

edit1: If you can't pick up all 4 then I'll settle for as much as you can.
If you buy a four pack for each game instead of 4 double packs it's $10.48. I can get it for you if you still want it.

But of course you can't gift a four pack. Ignore please.
Post edited November 26, 2011 by Cleidophoros

Just be warned that it might be a Russian-language-only, localised version - much like getting lumbered with a low violence German version.
Hm well, does anyone know more about this?
It would be annoying if its a rus only version...
And I received some money, so I can pay the full price now.
Cleidophoros: I just did a quick search over at Steam forums and it seems either the game is removed or account suspended/banned if Valve catches you buying stuff through vpn.
That is a very, very slim chance and it takes sum seriuos f*ck up on that persons side. Steam handles hundreds of thousand sales each month. They don't care what from what IP you lock into your Account. As I have used steam extensivly while I was working throughout Europe and Asia and they never gave me a problem.

However, they automatically check your IP against your payment residence. In CC cards is always the country encoded and Paypal gives away your home adress, so you generally can't buy outside your country, even if it is the same price region (I can't buy games in sweden, e.g.). Therefore, when I was in Russia, e.g. I still had to buy my games with a german VPN because my payment details didn't match with my local IP.

So, from my experience, if you keep it nice and simple. Valve won't bother you, if you however reach an activity that could be seen as fraudulent (buying dozens of gifts with a cheaper Russian IP) they might investigate. In the end, they want your money and they won't ban an account that does good revenue for stuff like that.
Cleidophoros: I just did a quick search over at Steam forums and it seems either the game is removed or account suspended/banned if Valve catches you buying stuff through vpn.
SimonG: That is a very, very slim chance and it takes sum seriuos f*ck up on that persons side. Steam handles hundreds of thousand sales each month. They don't care what from what IP you lock into your Account. As I have used steam extensivly while I was working throughout Europe and Asia and they never gave me a problem.

However, they automatically check your IP against your payment residence. In CC cards is always the country encoded and Paypal gives away your home adress, so you generally can't buy outside your country, even if it is the same price region (I can't buy games in sweden, e.g.). Therefore, when I was in Russia, e.g. I still had to buy my games with a german VPN because my payment details didn't match with my local IP.

So, from my experience, if you keep it nice and simple. Valve won't bother you, if you however reach an activity that could be seen as fraudulent (buying dozens of gifts with a cheaper Russian IP) they might investigate. In the end, they want your money and they won't ban an account that does good revenue for stuff like that.
Yes very slim chance but question you might wanna ask yourself is do you want to risk your account for 20 bucks?
SimonG: However, they automatically check your IP against your payment residence. In CC cards is always the country encoded and Paypal gives away your home adress, so you generally can't buy outside your country, even if it is the same price region (I can't buy games in sweden, e.g.). Therefore, when I was in Russia, e.g. I still had to buy my games with a german VPN because my payment details didn't match with my local IP.
Is that part about Paypal new? Some time ago, I had a friend of mine who was in Sweden at the time buy Left4dead2 for me. As he did not have steam, I actually gave him my steam and paypal data (yes, I kind of trust him ^^), and it worked after he changed the residence address in steam to his current address. So the IP is checked against your payment residence, but at least in this case it was not checked against any data Paypal had.
etna87: Is that part about Paypal new? Some time ago, I had a friend of mine who was in Sweden at the time buy Left4dead2 for me. As he did not have steam, I actually gave him my steam and paypal data (yes, I kind of trust him ^^), and it worked after he changed the residence address in steam to his current address. So the IP is checked against your payment residence, but at least in this case it was not checked against any data Paypal had.
Relatively new, I remember buying Dead Rising 2 with an UK VPN (as it simply wasn't available over here). I don't know what excactly Paypal is transmitting, but I can't use it with a not fitting IP with Steam. Other companies (GG, e.g.) normally don't care. I've bought plenty of games with dollar prices and paypal.
Cleidophoros: Yes very slim chance but question you might wanna ask yourself is do you want to risk your account for 20 bucks?
If you are from Germany, there is often no other chance to get certain games...
Post edited November 26, 2011 by SimonG
SimonG: Relatively new, I remember buying Dead Rising 2 with an UK VPN (as it simply wasn't available over here). I don't know what excactly Paypal is transmitting, but I can't use it with a not fitting IP with Steam. Other companies (GG, e.g.) normally don't care. I've bought plenty of games with dollar prices and paypal.
Cleidophoros: Yes very slim chance but question you might wanna ask yourself is do you want to risk your account for 20 bucks?
SimonG: If you are from Germany, there is often no other chance to get certain games...
Doesn't gifting work against region restrictions?
iDMostwanted: Hm well, does anyone know more about this?
I'm not saying it's a certainty. But given how Russia now has its own Steam region, and that region exists so as to provide Russians with cheaper versions of the games, you can bet that a lot of games newly released on Steam will be made Russian only in that territory. It helps stop what you're doing now, which is trying to get those cheaper games yourself.
Cleidophoros: Doesn't gifting work against region restrictions?
Of course. If I buy UK Steam I use a fake account and gift it to my normal account. As a layer of protection, so to say.

iDMostwanted: Hm well, does anyone know more about this?
Navagon: I'm not saying it's a certainty. But given how Russia now has its own Steam region, and that region exists so as to provide Russians with cheaper versions of the games, you can bet that a lot of games newly released on Steam will be made Russian only in that territory. It helps stop what you're doing now, which is trying to get those cheaper games yourself.
MW 3 or BF 3, or both, were made russian only in that region. But you could redeem those keys anywere (from what I've heard). You can even buy an upgrade I think. Seems strange, as it looks like more of a hassle on the producers side than a simple region lock....
Post edited November 26, 2011 by SimonG
Cleidophoros: Doesn't gifting work against region restrictions?
SimonG: Of course. If I buy UK Steam I use a fake account and gift it to my normal account. As a layer of protection, so to say.
You still are in the grey area then using vpn(?) for uk account and a fake account. By gifting I meant someone else gifting it to you.
SimonG: Of course. If I buy UK Steam I use a fake account and gift it to my normal account. As a layer of protection, so to say.
Cleidophoros: You still are in the grey area then using vpn(?) for uk account and a fake account. By gifting I meant someone else gifting it to you.
What is the difference between the fake account gifting me and a "normal" UK resident, at least for any automated script that checks for fraudulent activity? And while I prefer "normal" gifting, sometimes I get "impulsive" and want a game NOW, hence my fake UK friend.

Considering my library, I don't think Steam will ever give me trouble. And if they do, I know were they are registered in Germany and I can have a "cease and desist" letter at their office within a week. Most of their ToS are simply void in the EU and they know that. Their biggest "strenght" so to say, is this cloud of fear they like to hover above their costumers.

The worst thing they could do to me is to remove the questionable game and that only for a refund. For anything above that, therw is no legal basis (taking my "grey" Steam activity into account. If you do some real fraudulent sh*t, they can ban you, but the bar is very high for that).

Therefore, I'm not in a big worry.
Pemptus: Hi, I need some American help delivering JUSTICE to the Steam pricing system! Can some kind Yank buy 4 (four) Serious Sam HD Double Packs currently on sale (8 hours remaining!) and trade them to my inventory via the trading window thingy? Me and my wallet would be super grateful.
They're 2.99$ apiece, so 4 x 2.99 = 11.96$ or hell, even 12$. THINK OF THE PROFIT!

I can paypal you the amount or buy you a gog and paypal you the rest, or however you want it.
Thanks in advance!

edit1: If you can't pick up all 4 then I'll settle for as much as you can.
I got you 2 of those. PM for details.
iDMostwanted: Hm well, does anyone know more about this?
It would be annoying if its a rus only version...
Poland. Gift from Russia. Everything is OK. This is the same version (same AppID).
You can check AppID in your region and, i.e., in Russia (move the cursor over the "add to basket '). First, do it in NL, then switch to ?cc=ru.
Look at screen.

PS. Remember to return to the correct version of the site.
zz.jpg (105 Kb)
Post edited November 26, 2011 by kjx
edit: And once again brakin' the barriers thanks to Cleidophoros. *brofist*
The below's done and done.

So, uh, could anyone get me (the first one) and the [url=]Cossacks and American Conquest Pack (slightly higher priority)? Once again, I'll need them traded via the trading interface thingy, I'll be gifting them to someone else, probably. Stockpiling for Christmas, pretty much.

F.E.A.R.'s $4.99 and the Cossacks pack's $4.99 as well, so that's 10$ from me to your Paypal account (or a 5.99 gog and the rest in Paypal, however you want). I'm paying first, naturally, unless you're some shady villainous-looking chap that just registered.
In return - hugs and/or manly handshakes. And mad props.

Thanks in advance.
Post edited November 26, 2011 by Pemptus
Pemptus: So, uh, could anyone get me (the first one) and the [url=]Cossacks and American Conquest Pack (slightly higher priority)? Once again, I'll need them traded via the trading interface thingy, I'll be gifting them to someone else, probably. Stockpiling for Christmas, pretty much.

F.E.A.R.'s $4.99 and the Cossacks pack's $4.99 as well, so that's 9$ from me to your Paypal account (or a 5.99 gog and the rest in Paypal, however you want). I'm paying first, naturally, unless you're some shady villainous-looking chap that just registered.
In return - hugs and/or manly handshakes. And mad props.

Thanks in advance.
Need a hand?