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Welcome to this emotional giveaway. This time the winner will get The Walking Dead (Season 1) + the DLC 400 Days on Steam.
The first chapter of the second season is going to be released next week. So the winner will have the time to finish Season 1 + 400 Days and is then able to start with Season 2 immediately :-).

And here are the rules:

1. Post that you are in.
2. Just answer this short question: What were the most emotional games you have ever played and why? Please avoid spoilers :-). I mean "emotional" in terms of story and characters not gameplay (even though both can go hand in hand).
3. This giveaway will last until Saturday 14-12-2013 8 p.m. (CET).
4. The winner will be chosen by and the key will be sent via PM.

A current example for me is The Last of Us on PS3. Not only is TLOF the best game in 2013 for me but also one of the best games I have ever played. And that really had a lot to do with the story and especially the two main characters. They just match perfectly. In some cut-scenes I got really teary-eyed. And this game has the best prologue in a game by far. Damn, these first 15-20 minutes contained everything I love about games: atmosphere, authentic characters and of course a lot of emotion.

I also have to mention the Mass Effect series. I really loved the characters, the story, the atmosphere, and the whole universe. Thinking about all the hard decisions I had to make, thinking about all the emotions I felt (happiness, sadness, anger,...just everything you can think of when it comes to emotions). And yeah, I also got really teary-eyed several times. But that is exactly what I want in a game.

And of course: The Walking Dead Season 1. The gameplay is so simple and to be honest not even worth to be mentioned. But you know what: I did not care about that fact one single moment because of the awesome characters and the story! And the decisions you have to make just do the rest. Together with Mass Effect 3 it was the best game I played in 2012. And it contains the part I cried the biggest tears in my whole gaming history.
But I don't want to mention anything else because this is for you to find out :-).

Now I somehow feel like beeing a teary guy when it comes to emotional games but hey...I love it! :-D

Have fun and good luck!

I'm in.
Try "To the Moon" that is emotional.
Thanks again daVigi for such a good give away, I hope I win! goog luck everyone.
I would like to enter too thanks

As for emotional games hmmm there's quite a few of them but I will go with Final Fantasy VII

Thanks for the chance!
I have The Walking Dead Season 1 already, so even though I'm interested in 400 days, I'm not in.
TWD confuses me. The lack of freedom, and the linearity annoys me, but I can't say that it'd work better simply as a movie or something, because even that limited amount of interaction serves to make the game resonate more.

I'm probably a bit of a cynic...I appreciate emotional moments in games, but I can't help but see specific instances as very obvious "triggers" where the devs are playing to get a rise out of my emotions.

Some examples of emotion-tugging games: Bastion, The Walking Dead, To the Moon.
Not in since I already own and have beaten all of the games but I wholeheartedly recommend anyone that doesn't own them join in in this giveaway. :D

Not in, but +1 Vigi for your giveaway. I've thought about your question, but as of now, I remember no game that sticks out. Whether a gaming experience was emotional or not, derived less from the story but rather from my mood and the things I was engaged in at that time.
Thanks, I'm in.

My choices would be NieR, Shadow of the Colossus and Ico. I found NieR's story touching and loved Ico and SotC even though they were quite minimalist. Can't really go into detail due to spoilers but I loved all three.
The one that comes to mind right now is "The Dig".
The character´s relationships and how they start to develop through all the hardships that they encounter in their journey plus the dialogue made me play it once and again. It all sums up to make you really appreciate the outcome.
Hi I would like to be in this one.

Most emotional game? FF7. its just one of those plots that (if you avoid spoilers) you will never see coming. then after the first "emotional hurdle" then there are a whole series of plots and lies.

I would recommend this game to anyone. (just not the DRM heavy version!)
Thanks daVigi! Please count me in.

As mentioned briefly by someone else, Ico (PS2). There are only two characters in this game, you (the player) and the princess, and it's your job to rescue her. You have to guide her past traps, enemies, obstacles etc by holding her hand, and the dualshock controller vibrates softly, like you can feel her heartbeat. Definitely an emotional gameplay experience that cannot be matched.
Thanks for the giveaway, I'm in.

Some of the games I can mention are To the Moon, Katawa Shoujo, Clannad, Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. Mostly because their story touched me. I can't really say what touched me about it without spoilers, especially in the case of the 2 visual novels.
This is an interesting take on a GA. I'm in and +1.

Heavy Rain - I am the father of 2 and pretty much my only nightmares revolve around situations happening to me similar to what the main protagonist (Ethan Mars) goes through. I don't get emotional during a game but this had an element of reality and connected with me.
Post edited December 11, 2013 by dragonsreach
Im in.
Thanks for the giveaway OP.
The games that had affected me emotionally were Katawa Shoujo and FFX... surprised how much i liked and got into both games (played most of the possible endings in Katawa Shoujo...was hoping there was going to be a 2nd game but alas....)
Post edited December 10, 2013 by nijuu
I'm in for 400 Days. Thank you.
Braid closer to the end of the game brings a manly tear to the eye.
I'm in.

Games that made me get very emotional(very sad, full of rage etc)
Mafia II - The characters in the game, seem so real. They show you a lot of different emotions and the ending was designed to bring out an emotion from the player.
Fallout 3 - The beginning of the game, brings back memories and those memories brought up some emotions. The ending of Fallout 3 was designed to bring out an emotion too. Some of the characters are full of a strong emotion.
Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth - There is a character in the game that looks like someone I know and when something happened to this character, I responded with an emotion. The characters in this game, also show you a lot of emotion.
Post edited December 13, 2013 by monkeydelarge