Catshade: Have you guys seen
this review of the book of the game (with exclusive DLC codes!), written by Brad Wardell himself? To be fair, Brad is not a professional writer, but my god those sentences are so painful to read.
He yanked the sword out of the first one’s throat and swung it at a second, the nearest one to him, gouging it in the shoulder, and the thing screamed, and slashed at Calis’s blade ineffectually, and Calis slashed again, and caught the creature in the face, and blood gushed, and it screamed a second time, and stumbled, but that was all Calis saw.
It sounds like an early draft, though I doubt it will be patched anytime soon. :P
Really good, though the ranting against the em dash is a bit off base when it criticizes its overuse in a page rather than a paragraph. But that's grammar nittery too an extent probably no one is interested in.
It does serve as a good indication of Brad's hubris, that he would put something like material of that level out unselfconsciously.
Catshade: Have you guys seen
this review of the book of the game (with exclusive DLC codes!), written by Brad Wardell himself? To be fair, Brad is not a professional writer, but my god those sentences are so painful to read.
He yanked the sword out of the first one’s throat and swung it at a second, the nearest one to him, gouging it in the shoulder, and the thing screamed, and slashed at Calis’s blade ineffectually, and Calis slashed again, and caught the creature in the face, and blood gushed, and it screamed a second time, and stumbled, but that was all Calis saw.
It sounds like an early draft, though I doubt it will be patched anytime soon. :P
DarrkPhoenix: Holy run-on sentence batman! Brad really needs to stay away from trying to write. And trying to speak. And having any kind of interaction with the public for that matter.
Gotta agree here. This fellow is turning out to be his own worst enemy.
Crassmaster: I was really surprised that he ended up writing the book. I had assumed that Random House would assign an author to look over the game ideas and write the book for it.
Ditto. Maybe Brad just has a problem knowing where his limits are, or biting off more than he can chew. Reminds me a bit of the Peter Principle idea that people tend to rise to their level of incompetence.