Posted June 14, 2009
At E3 this year, to promote Dante's Inferno, EA paid some people to stand outside and protest the release of the game. This had the effect of making a few Christian websites angry. One "Christian gamer blog" even called Dante's Inferno a "God of War clone", which amused me.
[url=][/url] (I'll figue out how to hypertext again properly someday...)
You know what? Being a Christian means I'm part of a group that can never take jokes well, and that saddens/angers me.
[url=][/url] (I'll figue out how to hypertext again properly someday...)
You know what? Being a Christian means I'm part of a group that can never take jokes well, and that saddens/angers me.
Post edited June 14, 2009 by TheCheese33