Kezardin: Patches-scrolls is great - been using it for years,
The patches for the first game are there - set the page display to
'show first 100' (there are 68 patches and the default display only shows 25)
LOL! My bad. I've been also using for years as well, yet I still make such a newbie mistake... There indeed are 1.03 patches for the first game as well.
I just wish they (P&S) would add some short description or separate readme file with their downloads. Many times all you seem to get is an exe file, with no description whatsoever what it does, what it fixes etc. Yet, on some other sites the same patch has a detailed description.
But, the main thing is that there is one place offering a vast collection of PC game patches, even for ancient games. I fear the day P&S would close, I have no idea if there are other as reliable patch sites.