Posted September 12, 2010
Geez, I have come to conclusion, that I hate the current "let's have über DRM and see people whine!!" -trend. Well, at least there is GoG, though. The light at the end of the tunnel :)
Anyway, I want to rant about that EADM -program (and Mass Effect, which I bought from EAStore...don't ask...)
First of all, the eadm is a pain in the arse to use and nowadays I can't even log to my game library offline. Nice one.
And Mass Effect...I downloaded it with EADM, which is mandatory btw to be on, if you wish to play EAStore's digital games, and installed the game. With great anticipation, I started the game. Crash. Yay....
The EADM doesn't patch the game automatically, as it seems, and it doesn't have a "search a patch" -function anymore. And EA's game support doesn't have a patch to digital copy of mass effect(at least I couldn't find one). So, I in my true wisdom, installed the retail patch on my own. Now the game dies whenever I push esc (to go to the options menu). It apparently doesn't like the retail patch. Great.
So, now I can't patch the game, and it won't work because it's unpatched. It has something to do with my processor being AMD one with few cores...
I'm gonna go to the nearest store today, grab myself a retail copy of Mass Effect, install it, patch it and play it. Then I'm gonna uninstall the EA's super program and laugh while doing it.
Cheers guys,
Anyway, I want to rant about that EADM -program (and Mass Effect, which I bought from EAStore...don't ask...)
First of all, the eadm is a pain in the arse to use and nowadays I can't even log to my game library offline. Nice one.
And Mass Effect...I downloaded it with EADM, which is mandatory btw to be on, if you wish to play EAStore's digital games, and installed the game. With great anticipation, I started the game. Crash. Yay....
The EADM doesn't patch the game automatically, as it seems, and it doesn't have a "search a patch" -function anymore. And EA's game support doesn't have a patch to digital copy of mass effect(at least I couldn't find one). So, I in my true wisdom, installed the retail patch on my own. Now the game dies whenever I push esc (to go to the options menu). It apparently doesn't like the retail patch. Great.
So, now I can't patch the game, and it won't work because it's unpatched. It has something to do with my processor being AMD one with few cores...
I'm gonna go to the nearest store today, grab myself a retail copy of Mass Effect, install it, patch it and play it. Then I'm gonna uninstall the EA's super program and laugh while doing it.
Cheers guys,