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Zynga also apparently even copied right down to the rgb skin tones from The Sims Social
Thunderstone: Zynga also apparently even copied right down to the rgb skin tones from The Sims Social
Now that is weird. At that point it seems like they're putting more effort into copying than it'd take to actually come up with their own colors.
Thunderstone: Zynga also apparently even copied right down to the rgb skin tones from The Sims Social
Gazoinks: Now that is weird. At that point it seems like they're putting more effort into copying than it'd take to actually come up with their own colors.
There is alot more to it than that just take a look at this nice explanation into just how far Zynga copied The Sims Social

I am definately not known for defending EA or approving of copyright infringement lawsuits, but I have to say that this time EA is in the right. As much as I despise some of EA's tactics, at the very least you can count on EA doing their own thing with their own ideas. They may keep necoring their own franchises (looking at you Madden), and buy out other businesses, but at the very least EA can not be accused of so blatantly stealing other people's ideas and they do their own work when making their games.

From what I'm seeing what Zynga did was not just copying the concept, they made their game look so similar that it is hard to tell the difference between the two unless you look closely. How could they not expect EA to take issue when you copy to this extent.

"I don't f*cking want innovation. You're not smarter than your competitor. Just copy what they do and do it until you get their numbers." ~Mark Pincus
About time! I was wondering earlier why we don't have these Pacman clone legal battles anymore. Back to the eighties.
I seriously hope that EA wipes the floor with them in court. Zynga is known for ALWAYS copying other games. It's not just taking inspiration or doing something similar, they COMPLETELY copy other games from smaller companies that don't have the resources to face a legal battle. But this time they messed with the big guys.

Of all gaming companies i know, Zynga is certainly the worst. Other companies at least make their own games, Zynga doesn't. I hope ZYnga goes bakrupt this time. Such a terrible company has to go down.

By the way, here's another example of a Zynga's clone:

Some people accuse Gameloft of copying other games too, but actually it has nothing to do with the blatant rip-offs by Zynga. Gameloft sometimes use similar names and backgrounds from well-known franchises, but the games themselves are very different from the ones they are accused of copying. Take a look at Modern Combat for example. The name and the settings obviously come from COD Modern Warfare (and the game was released at the sime time as Modern Warfare 2), but the game itself looks nothing like COD, excpet for being a FPS and sharing a similar background. Same goes for Starfront Collision (inspired by Starcraft 2).

EDIT: Here's Zynga's response to the lawsuit:
“We are committed to creating the most fun, innovative, social and engaging games in every major genre that our players enjoy. The Ville is the newest game in our ‘ville’ franchise – it builds on every major innovation from our existing invest-and-express games dating back to YoVille and continuing through CityVille and CastleVille, and introduces a number of new social features and game mechanics not seen in social games today. It’s unfortunate that EA thought that this was an appropriate response to our game, and clearly demonstrates a lack of understanding of basic copyright principles. It’s also ironic that EA brings this suit shortly after launching SimCity Social which bears an uncanny resemblance to Zynga’s CityVille game. Nonetheless, we plan to defend our rights to the fullest extent possible and intend to win with players.” -Reggie Davis, General Counsel, Zynga

Are you fucking kidding me? Simcity franchise has been around for decades before this CityVille crap.

By the way, this:

Post edited August 04, 2012 by Neobr10
orcishgamer: EA is going to bend Zynga right over on this one. Furthermore, saying EA is even in the same ballpark with Zynga is just silly, EA doesn't always do great stuff but they've been hitting a pretty good average for being a decent big company in the past few years (it's wonder they even try with all the shit gamers give them no matter what they do), Zynga is nearly flat out evil.
loon: I don't think EA can win this case. They were probably a little jealous about Samsung and Apple patent disuputes, but it's quite different area. They should also remember, that Zynga is much richer than EA and The Ville was FIRST.
orcishgamer: Zynga's stocks are in free fall, a rich company could buy them out at this point (napkin math, I could be wrong, but don't think so).
Zynga's IPO hit the market at $15. Last time I checked they were at $2.70. They're in absolute freefall and, once their employees can start selling their stock in mid-August, you can expect stock to fall again.

Terrible company. Hope they go belly up.
FaceBook terrible company hope it goes belly up also CIA shills they are Zuckerman is the biggest sellout of them all.
It's kind of common for facebook games to copy assets from well-known franchises. There's a game called Social Wars that uses an image of a Spartan soldier (like Master Chief) to advertise the game. And in fact, these Spartan soldier taken from Halo are in the game. And i can bet my ass they don't have permission to use that. I guess Microsoft doesn't want to go through the hassle of suing them, but they could.
Neobr10: It's kind of common for facebook games to copy assets from well-known franchises. There's a game called Social Wars that uses an image of a Spartan soldier (like Master Chief) to advertise the game. And in fact, these Spartan soldier taken from Halo are in the game. And i can bet my ass they don't have permission to use that. I guess Microsoft doesn't want to go through the hassle of suing them, but they could.
Yes Funny that.
Neobr10: I seriously hope that EA wipes the floor with them in court. Zynga is known for ALWAYS copying other games. It's not just taking inspiration or doing something similar, they COMPLETELY copy other games from smaller companies that don't have the resources to face a legal battle. But this time they messed with the big guys.

Of all gaming companies i know, Zynga is certainly the worst. Other companies at least make their own games, Zynga doesn't. I hope ZYnga goes bakrupt this time. Such a terrible company has to go down.

By the way, here's another example of a Zynga's clone:

Some people accuse Gameloft of copying other games too, but actually it has nothing to do with the blatant rip-offs by Zynga. Gameloft sometimes use similar names and backgrounds from well-known franchises, but the games themselves are very different from the ones they are accused of copying. Take a look at Modern Combat for example. The name and the settings obviously come from COD Modern Warfare (and the game was released at the sime time as Modern Warfare 2), but the game itself looks nothing like COD, excpet for being a FPS and sharing a similar background. Same goes for Starfront Collision (inspired by Starcraft 2).

EDIT: Here's Zynga's response to the lawsuit:
“We are committed to creating the most fun, innovative, social and engaging games in every major genre that our players enjoy. The Ville is the newest game in our ‘ville’ franchise – it builds on every major innovation from our existing invest-and-express games dating back to YoVille and continuing through CityVille and CastleVille, and introduces a number of new social features and game mechanics not seen in social games today. It’s unfortunate that EA thought that this was an appropriate response to our game, and clearly demonstrates a lack of understanding of basic copyright principles. It’s also ironic that EA brings this suit shortly after launching SimCity Social which bears an uncanny resemblance to Zynga’s CityVille game. Nonetheless, we plan to defend our rights to the fullest extent possible and intend to win with players.” -Reggie Davis, General Counsel, Zynga

Are you fucking kidding me? Simcity franchise has been around for decades before this CityVille crap.

By the way, this:

I seriously hopes EA cleans them out. No wonder i had a feeling deja u when someone invited to play the Ville and i thought "Wait a minute, isnt this Sim social??" bahahahaha.... Most of Zynga's games are very samey anyway... gogogogo ea +1

Dunno where the original link went but this one works..
Post edited August 04, 2012 by nijuu
fr33kSh0w2012: FaceBook terrible company hope it goes belly up also CIA shills they are Zuckerman is the biggest sellout of them all.
Have an account. Check it about once every 3 months. Hate the company as Suckerman has no respect for the privacy of the people using his service.

I also have Facebook cookies blocked in every browser I use as, if you don't block them, they follow you all over the net and create records of what you're looking at so they can sell your private info to advertisers. Fuck you, Facebook.
Fesin: If copying gameplay-mechanics was illegal now, the only FPS-franchise allowed to exist would be Wolfenstein.

And maybe it's because I'm not on facebook, but what's with all the hate for Zynga?
This isn't about "copying game mechanics". Zynga's entire business is based on copying other games (usually by smaller developers), right down to every last detail. Here are some more illustrations to back up the point:
And a couple of other games they ripped off:

There's a great article that sums it up here.

Also with regards to why there is so much hate aimed at zynga, just do a little research on the company and it's CEO. A little gem directly from the mouth of the CEO to get you started: "I don't fucking want innovation. You're not smarter than your competitor. Just copy what they do and do it until you get their numbers." (this quote has been attributed to him by various employees both past and present from a public rant he made).
This is a predictable subterfuge aimed at diverting attention from Zynga's persistent plagiarism of other artists
kids.png (167 Kb)
It is good for us. EA will need money for attorneys, so perhaps we are going to see more EA's games on site.:D