Cormoran: No, proof that they're somehow doing something underhanded and making profit from the tax system by giving to charity as you are implying by stating that what they're doing is somehow bad.
Also, don't just tell me, I'm sure the tax agencies in the countries EA operates would love that information, too.
When did I imply illegal activity? The way tax deduction for charity works in a completely legal way is bogus, considering how used it is by wealthy philanthropists and multi-billion dollar corporations to build up public support and get free advertising and awareness for their company and it's products.
Also, there's a vast amount of charities, and many of it isn't "Cure Cancer" or "Help Children", there's also a tonne of social-engineering "charity" (Bill Gates loves these) which are more about trying to engineer social change rather than just the simple "help sick people" which is what charity at it's heart is.
Oh and I wouldn't be surprised if EA in the future gave charity dollars to political organizations advocating same-sex marriage or homosexual advocacy groups masquerading as "charities".
EDIT: It's pure bullshit that these corporations care about the social ills to which they apparently donate to, because if a government moved to increase taxation on them to increase it's own health and welfare spending, they would be the first to be crying out against it, funding political opposition to it, etc. Charity is simply a means for them to pretend they care, a government would be able to handle this stuff through conventional means that all these dispersed and different charities.