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Let me read that again ....


..... but then again, when was the last time EA put out a meaningful sp title? Or any kind of sp content that wasn't 90% hand holding QTEs?

Basically all he said was that they werent wasting anymore money tacking on half assed bullshit that they didn't want to support in the first place.
There's sp content, what there isn't is JUST sp content. Think Mass Effect 3.
Post edited September 06, 2012 by Namur
Since multiplayer means "short-gaming" i think it`s just a short-time phase. I mean the most games close their official servers after a few years and single player games can be even played after 20 years. So it`s not really a good idea from EA, in my opinion.
Post edited September 06, 2012 by suomainen
You're doing it wrong.
Cool, I'll go Gog only :D


Let me read that again ....


..... but then again, when was the last time EA put out a meaningful sp title? Or any kind of sp content that wasn't 90% hand holding QTEs?

Basically all he said was that they werent wasting anymore money tacking on half assed bullshit that they didn't want to support in the first place.
HUH? I read about this on RPS, and it was pretty clear from what he said that he (and by extension the rest of EA) aren't greenlighting any single player-only games. Any games going forward will have to have an online component, regardless of its quality of suitability with the rest of the game.

Think of Spec Ops: The Line, which has a beautifully executed single player campaign dragged down by an outsourced and tacked-on multiplayer mode which was described as akin to a cancerous tumor on the game by the developers.
Post edited September 06, 2012 by rampancy
Besides, the very same guy went into damage-control mode one day after giving that statement.
You, and the person who wrote that article should learn to read.

Think more about new SimCity. or FIFA13. They both will use multiplayer features in single player mode.

I think it will get common pretty fast. It's like ultimate DRM. Pirates may crack those games, but they won't be fully playable (or maybe not playable at all), so pirates will get crippled experience.
Post edited September 06, 2012 by keeveek
I think it's pretty clear by now that while the rest of the gaming industry is gradually starting to get its act together, EA with Frank Gibeau and Peter Moore at the helm has just lost the plot entirely. This is a company that is renowned for switching off its servers within two years of the games coming out. Most of their games' online functionality is dead if not already offline.

I mean, we are witnessing an environment where everyone else in the industry has established that online gaming is facing a very bleak future and is returning to a predominantly single-player experience. Seven of the top ten selling games of 2011 in the US, eight in the UK were primarily single-player experiences. The Secret World failed miserably. The Old Republic failed miserably. Spec Ops: The Line was marketed for its multiplayer and ended up succeeding on the strength of its single player. Diablo 3 - a game which was marketed as an online experience - is being played solo by the vast majority of people.

If EA wish to tag on pointless multiplayer to their games for the sake of being "connected", they're going to suffer for it.
Post edited September 06, 2012 by jamyskis
jamyskis: I mean, we are witnessing an environment where everyone else in the industry has established that online gaming is facing a very bleak future and is returning to a predominantly single-player experience.
Keep living in your dream world.
Nergal01: Besides, the very same guy went into damage-control mode one day after giving that statement.
jamyskis: Spec Ops: The Line was marketed for its multiplayer and ended up succeeding on the strength of its single player.
Uh, no. Spec ops was completely made as a single player experience until the list of 'Must-haves' came down from 2K and it litterally had a checkbox saying that the game had to have multiplayer to get released. The multiplayer was even outsourced so they could tack it on to the game. The developers complained about it quite a bit.
Post edited September 06, 2012 by Pheace
Yay, because games with tacked-on multiplayer were always so much played online!
jamyskis: Link?
EA with online things everywhere, Ubi going to up their focus of F2P, even CryTek going F2P after Crysis 3.

Things are looking good. I will finally be able to ignore most new releases, and perhaps have time to play most of the best games on my backlog and wishlist.