Arteveld: Must be the will of some demon, or an evil necromancer... ;)
Burn the bridges, they shall not pass! And with a bit of luck falling debris will crush trolls hiding underneath!
My men and i are here to aid you.
I have send a few of my men to scout ahead. Do not fool you self in to thinking this will be a easy battle.They out number us that much is clear.Do not give in to fear, look look in to your hearts find the strength and will you need for the battle ahead. It will be hard fought battle.
If we win here today are enemy will have suffer a great blow. If we fail the enemy will be able to march on to are deer city.We must not fail,hold the line for as long as you can. For the glory of are kingdom!
scout:Sir enemy boats have been seen.There planing to land there troops on this side of the river!
Where have they been seen?
scout:I have made a map of the 3 places they are landing there troops.
Any of them landed yet?
scout:no sir. we were able to burn the first few boats trying to land. there of more of them heading this way.
We much be swift then if we are to set up a ambush.
Here is the plan thorn pick the men you need and march to landing site a.
Thorn:These legs where made for battle not running like some girly elf.Baa no time to fight about it. You 3 there fellow me.Where going to bash some heads in.Hahahaha.
Alf you will set up a ambush at site b.
Alf:I will not fail my captain.
Let us hope Alf let us hope we do not fail.I will take 5 men and set up a ambush at site c.
Bladr:Yes captain?
You and the rest of the men will say behide to guard the ruin bridge in case the enemy finds a way to cross it or trys to repair it.If you do not hear word form any of us. Get ready for the worse.
Bladr:If things come to worse i will give my life to defend this place.
Let us hope we do not need to die today.Good luck my friends. Let us hope the gods have bless us this day.