Navagon: EA have explicitly stated that even if they do one day release their games on GOG, Dungeon Keeper won't be among them.
Sorry to 'necropost' but....when/where did they do this? Did they give any reason as to why not? Anyone know? I'd love to see them on GoG too, since I'm worried about my ancient discs one day not working. I take very careful care of them but....
(non-related game opinion babbling)
I loved DK1 to death. When I finally built a powerful Win7 gaming PC (skipped Vista...) I made sure to keep an XP machine to run my DK-Gold CD (& other old software). The imps run faster these days, but it's still playable.
DK2 was ok & it did improve on some aspects from the first game, but I didn't find it nearly as addictive. The UI felt clunkier, it was slower paced, the campaign levels were too scripted/pre-built, I disliked the 'stun' aspect to creatures (which really only meant you'd drop them a little farther away instead of dropping right on top of a fight) and I couldn't stand the 'combat pit' concept. With that all griped about, I did play it a while & eventually used editors to get rid of a lot of those things which made it more fun for me. ;p