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Are there any plans to release the Dungeon Keeper series on GoG?
GoG has plans to release any game they can get their hands on and can get working under modern OSes, but that's up to whoever holds the rights for the game - I think EA has rights for DK games, so it's not an option so far.
You can, however, go vote for DK games to the wishlist.
And, while at it, check Evil Genius - a game that's somewhat similar to DK games.
SInce the same people who designed DK designed Evil Genius, that comes as no surprise.......
Evil Genius is a fun game, but no way is is the masterpiece that DK is.
EA have explicitly stated that even if they do one day release their games on GOG, Dungeon Keeper won't be among them.
Navagon: EA have explicitly stated that even if they do one day release their games on GOG, Dungeon Keeper won't be among them.

Bleh, figures. Did they give a reason why. perchance?
TehMau5: Are there any plans to release the Dungeon Keeper series on GoG?

As soon as Cameroon gets the World Cup Trophy. ;P
[And THAT will be a the best day ever.]
Krypsyn: Bleh, figures. Did they give a reason why. perchance?

I'm kidding. :D It's my way of saying that there's no way that any one of us could know. GOG might know but if they did they wouldn't be in a position to tell us anything ahead of any announcements.
dudalb: SInce the same people who designed DK designed Evil Genius, that comes as no surprise.......
Evil Genius is a fun game, but no way is is the masterpiece that DK is.

Honestly, I prefer Evil Genius, but thats just me.
I used to play both DK and EG, and although the premise are almost the same, the gameplay are in fact totally different. I loved both games though, and hope EA will give GOG a chance to sell them, instead letting it rot.
Krypsyn: Bleh, figures. Did they give a reason why. perchance?
Navagon: I'm kidding. :D It's my way of saying that there's no way that any one of us could know. GOG might know but if they did they wouldn't be in a position to tell us anything ahead of any announcements.

Wow, usually my sarcasm sense tingles flawlessly. Next time I am reading a thread and think to myself "wow, this jackass has no sense of humor", I am sure I with remember this moment :P. I guess it must have been because it is EA; it is hard for me to disbelieve anything regarding them any longer.
DK - done by Bullfrog, now owed by EA = no go for GOG thus far.
Would be nice to have the other Bullfrog games on GOG as well (I personally loved Theme Hospital)...
I have Dungeon Keeper. I was able to, rather easily, get it running under XP. Haven't tried it under Vista / 7...
So if you can find an original CD, you should be able to get it up and playing in all its low-res glory :-)
Navagon: EA have explicitly stated that even if they do one day release their games on GOG, Dungeon Keeper won't be among them.
Sorry to 'necropost' but....when/where did they do this? Did they give any reason as to why not? Anyone know? I'd love to see them on GoG too, since I'm worried about my ancient discs one day not working. I take very careful care of them but....

(non-related game opinion babbling)
I loved DK1 to death. When I finally built a powerful Win7 gaming PC (skipped Vista...) I made sure to keep an XP machine to run my DK-Gold CD (& other old software). The imps run faster these days, but it's still playable.

DK2 was ok & it did improve on some aspects from the first game, but I didn't find it nearly as addictive. The UI felt clunkier, it was slower paced, the campaign levels were too scripted/pre-built, I disliked the 'stun' aspect to creatures (which really only meant you'd drop them a little farther away instead of dropping right on top of a fight) and I couldn't stand the 'combat pit' concept. With that all griped about, I did play it a while & eventually used editors to get rid of a lot of those things which made it more fun for me. ;p
Post edited September 24, 2010 by KrankyKat
I pray and sacrifice a small goat each day for it to be released.

Although it's true that EA are being idiots and not letting us have it there are 2 little glimmers of hope, first they have expressed that they want to revive many of the old Bullfrog classics like DK and Theme Hospital and secondly Peter Molyneux still retains so control over the franchise, he could use some of his magic powers to convince EA to release it.

Also there is a DK clone coming out next year from Kalypso called Dungeons. Who knows, if it does well EA may see that there is still enough of a market for a third instalment!

Info on Dungeons
KrankyKat: Sorry to 'necropost' but....when/where did they do this?
Necroposters have the benefit of reading all that was posted in the thread before it died.