Bulletmagn3t: 1. I'll say that blonde jokes are an unacceptable (but accepted) evil of society.
They affect blonde women exactly in the way racial stereotypes affect minorities.
2. It doesn't matter whether I buy the game or not: rape victims still have to share society with those who believe rape is no big deal.
DNF's brand of humor only emboldens them.
3. Murder isn't minimized as much and as often as rape. That is why people are less touchy about it.
4. I have already told you that many do.
Countless mainstream games set up a moral framework where killing is the "right" answer. So you can't dismiss this so easily.
5. I never claimed that this is as bad a IRL rape, that's another straw-man.
6. Why should I care about what 4chan does?
7. You can't enjoy the game until I stop criticizing it? Don't worry then, I won't press this matter further.
And I'm aware of the Aliens reference. But in those movies, facehugging (which has blatant sexual undertones) is presented as an absolutely horrible experience. In DNF is used to set up tired cliches.
1. I agree it's accepted, but comparing it to racism against minorities that were often hurt or killed because of their race? It's not even close.....
2. Again DNF doesn't cause rape, or embolden rapists. If you believe that then you'd also have to believe that video games make people kill people.
3. Murder is minimised just as often if not more......and praised in ways like sanctioned murder(executions/wars/etc) & others.
4. As long as it's just a way of finishing the game I see no harm in it and see no major influence of it causing people to commit these acts irl. And for those that can't distinguish fantasy from reality...maybe they shouldn't be allowed near games at all.
5. You don't have to claim it for me to see your subtle intentions.
6. Nice, you sidestepped my reasonable answer and stuck to the 4chan part, which was a casual aside and not the meat of that reply.
7. Never said I couldn't...I was making a general statement. Now who's using straw men?
8. Just because the game sets it up bad doesn't mean the essence of what the scene was trying to convey isn't integral to the story.
predcon: They do not. Where do you live that blonde women are discriminated against so vehemently? "Oh look at this, Mr. Schwarz, there's a blonde Harvard business school graduate applying for this executive position. That blonde obviously whizzed through school on her good looks and enormous breasts, so lets pass her up." Yeah, that happens.
I live in the Deep frickin' South, where ignorance is King, and haven't heard a single Pollack joke (my surname is Lithuanian, but most can't tell the difference) in my twenty years here. People are a little more progressive, and a little less sensitive than you think. Welcome to the 21st Century.
Bulletmagn3t: Who said anything about "vehemently"? I live in Italy, the country of Silvio friggin' Berlusconi, and these kind of insinuations are made all the time.
Even where minorities aren't actively persecuted, stereotypes color people's judgments and expectations.
The 21st Century hasn't magically cured anything.
Don't like something that isn't really harming you? Tough titties. Until I see blondes being killed or beaten for being blonde then your whole analogy falls apart.