deelee74: wow.
it's interesting to see that people are excited about this game.
I'm curious to see how well this game sells when it is finally released. Since most gamers are in the 17-34 year range, a good majority of gamers probably didn't grow up with Duke Nukem and therefore don't care a bit about this game. I was in high school when the original Duke 3D came out. I always preferred Doom myself. I thought the way you had to look up and down without mouselook was annoying, and the graphics always gave me a headache. So I am not that interested in this game personally.
But it is looking pretty cool.
I'll probably check it out.
You always preferred Doom yourself which is fine but then state Duke's graphics gave you headaches despite the huge similarities in graphical look (with Duke looking a little better) between Doom and Duke. If anything Doom should have given you more headaches than Duke.