PoSSeSSeDCoW: I think it's pretty obvious that the reason that DNF didn't get a public demo pre-release is that they hoped that the people who had pre-ordered DNF (and were thus eligible for the demo) would have the best impressions of the game, would hype the game and hide the actual quality of the game from the general public.
It's no secret that the demo was no received well, except by those who were determined to defend the game's quality and the rare person who enjoyed the demo.
Or the demo was actually fairly good, except for determined trolls looking to trash the game regardless of quality. I saw an awful lot of people trashing the game for reasons other than the game or demo itself.
It gets kind of old seeing all the group think about how the game is so terrible and how could anybody possibly enjoy this shite game. I'm fine with people not liking it, but pretending like there isn't a lot to enjoy is just plain dishonest.
The humour is there for people who get it, blaming the developers because it doesn't match whatever expectations you had is hardly justification for bashing the game.
Ultimately, the game is a lot of fun for people that enjoy it and that's the goal of a game
You might want to look up the term "confirmation bias" because the demo wasn't as poorly received as you seem to think, it's just that most people have better things to do than to deal with all the trolls out there.
GameRager: Scores don't mean everything, and btw why don't you quit with your fanatical detraction of DNF?
PoSSeSSeDCoW: Scores are a good indicator of the feelings of the majority of people on the quality of the game, which is what I have been talking about. Nothing I have said in this topic is in any way untrue. I wouldn't be surprised if you have some sort of script set up to monitor the GOG forums for anyone saying anything negative about DNF. Give it up. You don't need to be DNF's one true protector.
Bull fucking shit.
The scores are at best how the .000001% of the population that rights reviews feels about the game. And even then, you have to set quite a few of those reviews aside, as they aren't actual reviews, they're diatribes by people that don't want to admit that other people have their own tastes. Trashing the game for things like the humour, and the period of time it took to release and the dated graphics.
Ever notice all those movies that score like half a star and then have large numbers of people seeing and enjoying them anyways? Well, critics aren't perfect, and at least with movie critics they've had some education and are trying to inform the public about what's in the game, the good and the bad, rather than trashing things for ratings. Watch a decent review and even a bad review is likely to give reasons why one might want to watch.
But, then again, I'm sure you'd rather go back to trolling than admit that perhaps you're being extremely narrow minded.