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Seems Capcom have made it so it is impossible to play one of the recent games, ‘Final Fight’, without being logged onto the Playstation Network. The reason? “PSN Sharing”, you see PSN downloads can be shared across five different consoles with the consoles being de-authorized and re-authorized at will. Meaning players can switch around allowing multiple people to play the game and will sometimes pool their money together so they only pay a fifth of the game yet they all get a full copy of the game.

One user at IGN, “Nacthenud” sent Capcom an e-mail asking if it was a DRM or some sort of error and why he didn’t like the idea, here’s the response;

I'll try to be short. Yes, there is DRM. This was employed to combat the rampant "PSN Sharing" that has been going on over the last year. We're sorry that your family cannot play the game on their individual accounts (same console). This is a limitation of the Sony network. We are not committed to do this with all titles moving forward but the only way to evaluate impact was to try it with one title first.
To be honest, you could just log in as yourself and allow them to play. I understand there is a principle here, but we would appreciate your understanding of our position while doling out your criticism.
Either way, we appreciate you as a fan and I have mentioned your concern to the team.
Take care and sorry for the trouble,
Well, at least they were honest about it in their response. That's something, isn't it?
What the ...? :|
Thats just stupid.
Post edited April 23, 2010 by KavazovAngel
lol...So... good to know... wonder if they at least give a disclaimer, think I should buy a copy and email the buggers... Yeah people... Im in Iraq... you really think I can have my ps3 on the internet at all times....../sigh this is just getting stupid....
I do feel sorry for Capcom as in many ways they are a dinosaur of the industry and are trying to catch up with things as best they can but often look like a rabbit caught in the headlights. No doubt any company with experience of DRM would have told Capcom this would happen but it probably didn't occur to them. Still it is stupid and surely game sharing can't be costing corporations THAT much?
It will certainly suck for folks that can't be logged in 100% of the time. For those that are using separate account on the same console, it also sucks, but less so; sure, a person can't keep their medals separate, but at least they can play the game whenever they want using the game's account. However, I still haven't heard of a better alternative to combat this sort of game sharing abuse. If a company wants to get rid of folks abusing the system like that, this seems like a valid solution.
Hahahahaha, I knew that would happen to the PS3, I just knew!
Tantrix: Hahahahaha, I knew that would happen to the PS3, I just knew!

You just won a free can of poison now go use it to kill something with.
Post edited April 23, 2010 by uruk
If this happens to Marvel vs. Capcom 3 as well, I'm going to be fairly aggravated. I will then propose to Capcom that they should promenade away from their current location and fornicate themselves.
Just because you can potentially do something that is frowned upon (PSN sharing in this case) doesn't mean everyone will. Capcom is screwing over the legit users who don't do this. I thought we figured this by now.
All consoles have DRM to begin with. When was the last time you could easily make a backup of a console game and use it without using mods or other sneaky workarounds?
michaelleung: Just because you can potentially do something that is frowned upon (PSN sharing in this case) doesn't mean everyone will. Capcom is screwing over the legit users who don't do this. I thought we figured this by now.

I agree totally. However, what would you suggest been done instead? Assume that CapCom is not going to do nothing, what would your solution to their dilemma be? I don't like it, but I also can't think of a solution that makes any more sense (other than the 'do nothing' option, which I don't think is an option Capcom will accept).
I replied to your post, but it isn't directed totally at you. If anyone has another solution, please post it. I am curious what folks think would be a better solution. I just get tired of folks bitching and moaning about DRM policies, but then never coming up with any other solution other than 'do nothing'. Let's just assume that game companies are not going to sit on their hands and do nothing, for better or for worse, so what would be an acceptable DRM scheme that would actually work*?
*define 'work' as stopping piracy** for one month or more for these purposes
**define 'piracy' as any unlawful use for the purpose of this question
That's really messed up. I don't own a PS3 but that's really dumb to do. Years ago me and my friends use throw money down on games and we took turns taking the game home and playing it, and if it was a MP we took turns going to others home.
What surprises me is that Sony made this major loophole possible in the first place. Having said that this is a poor solution to the problem.
Arkose: What surprises me is that Sony made this major loophole possible in the first place. Having said that this is a poor solution to the problem.

Agreed, especially when the non-digital security is so tight.
There's my solution: eliminate PSN sharing. Seems so logical once you say it. :P
Post edited April 23, 2010 by chautemoc