soulgrindr: i have a question about DRM that's later removed with patches.
Assuming I now buy a game that initially came with DRM, but it was later patched out: If i install the game, and then install the patch, technically I'm installing the DRM on my system right?
Do the patches then totally remove all trace of the DRM, or simply de-activate it's limitations?
It seems like even installing and then immediately patching runs the slight risk of messing something up on your system, or some kind of conflict.
Am i thinking about this the right way?
(personally I'm not so worried by the usage limitations, but more by the affect on my PC).
While it varies from game to game, my experience is that it doesn't run the DRM removal tool (that could break other games).
So yes, you are "installing" DRM on your machine. But keep in mind that most of the games listed just used a simple disc check, so nothing was really "installed" in the first place. So if it was a disc-check that was confined to the executable, I would assume that most of the DRM is gone (like running a crack). If it was an activation model, I have no idea.
As for the effect on your machine: I think the only DRM that ever came close to causing problems for machines was Starforce (and that one is still iffy). Beyond that, I think (I could be wrong) that most problems will be if you are running Daemon Tools alongside it or something. That doesn't include the freak problems, but people have been having those since the floppy-check was invented.
Also, I am not sure if you guys should really be listing those games that had DRM patched out. Most of them still have serial keys (which IS a form of DRM), and, as soul asked, they still use DRM at some point.