Adokat: You understand, though, that those risks basically haven't occurred, and likely never will, right? You make it sound like Steam is teetering on the edge, a ticking time bomb just waiting to steal all your games. Doesn't make sense to me.
What are you talking about? The kind of risks I'm talking about have already occurred many times to many people. I'm not talking about Steam permanently going down and taking all one's games with it, I'm talking about the Steam servers being temporarily overloaded, or the client deciding it suddenly needs to update and not allowing games to be played until it does, or an account suspension, or so on- things that, while temporary, and enough to knock out access to one's Steam games for hours or days. And these are all things that have happened numerous times; they're potential risks in the sense that they may or may not strike any particular individual, but in an overall, general sense these risks are well-established and there's nothing hypothetical about them.
Adokat: Now, are your concerns enough to choose an alternative to Steam? Not really, but it doesn't matter since you can choose from plenty of other digital download sites with unobtrusive drm.
That's pretty much what I do. I buy plenty of games from GOG, some from GG, and a few from D2D and Impulse. Also, while the concerns I've mentioned may not be enough for
you to have any issue with Steam, as I've already said I'm talking about
my perspective on the matter. And acting as if your own perspective holds more merit than mine, even when we're talking about my own choices, is fucking rude.
Adokat: But what about Valve titles, or Steam-only games? You're really missing out on some great games by refusing to use Steam. Portal (and now Portal 2) are such wonderful, unique game. There's a good chance you're missing out, if you'd only give it a chance. Portal has got to be very cheap by now-why not take a "risk" and try it out?
As I said I've already got a massive backlog of games. Good games. Very good games. I'm not hurting for options here. No matter what games I choose to play it will mean not playing other games. And given my shortage of time relative to the games I'd like to play passing on ones containing DRM with a higher chance to waste some of my valuable time is an excellent what to narrow down the field a bit, as far as I'm concerned.
Now, you wanted to know why some people don't care for Steam, and I've given you my reasons. If you don't find those reasons convincing from your own perspective then that's fine, everyone weights the risk involved differently, values time and money differently, and should be free to come to their own conclusion on what risks they find acceptable or unacceptable and how those risks affect the value proposition of a given game. However, if you are unable or unwilling to understand how the reasons I've laid out could be compelling to some people other than yourself then quite frankly that's
your failing, and one I no longer have any interest in trying to deal with.