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Siannah: No idea how it works now with DA, even less with ME. But the whole authentication process for DLCs was a big botched mess from the get go for me.

Edit the addins XML file and change RequiresAuthorization = 1 to 0. Job done DRM is gone. I'm not sure about ME2 but I think it only authenticates once and never again.
Siannah, there's no question the whole system was really glitchy, but I thought I'd toss out that solution just in case. I know it solved the issue for a lot of people.
But try Delixe's suggestion, as I know that's been reported to solve the issue entirely.
Thanks Coelocanth (and Delixe btw) but as mentioned, I'll have the patience to wait for a sale of a GotY edition, going through the game once in it's entirety. Until that day, Riccitiello may run around (even naked) screaming "we do it for our paying customers" as long as he wants, I can't be bothered. :)
Siannah: going through the game once in it's entirety.

Once lol. I think I have gone through the game more than five times and I made many more characters than that.
I guess thats why people get so defensive about Dragon Age. Regardless of the content there is a world there to get lost in and many of us do.
Delixe: I guess thats why people get so defensive about Dragon Age. Regardless of the content there is a world there to get lost in and many of us do.

But now the real question is whether Dragon Effect will crush your hopes and dreams...
Arkose: But now the real question is whether Dragon Effect will crush your hopes and dreams...

I look at it this way. People said ME2 was losing all the RPG elements and transforming ME into a shooter. They were right in a way but ME2 was far better than ME.
I really don't care about what changes BioWare are making to DA:O until I see the finished product. If I sit down and am presented with Dragon Effect or worse Dragon Siege then yes I will be screaming from the rooftops. However BioWare have earned my trust and I will wait till that day.
If it turns into Dragon Effect or worse, Dragon Oblivioned, I'm most likely to pass.
I'm sick of seeing my favourite tactical and strategy games turn into action puke. And those console ignorants call that "elitism" which further proves the point they are plain ignorant. Them liking everything as action games doesn't mean all do. Patheic state of gaming these days.
Post edited August 28, 2010 by cw8
Even though I do already own DAO + Awakening, I'll be looking forward to that Ultimate Edition sometime down the line, once it gets cheaper - as long as it comes w/ all that DLC I'm missing, so I can get all that DLC I'm missing.
I really want to see Leilana's Song and Witch Hunt DLC.
Also, I'd like The Warden's Keep DLC, so in DAO, then I would have somewhere to store my extra junk.
MysterD: Also, I'd like The Warden's Keep DLC, so in DAO, then I would have somewhere to store my extra junk.

You can grab the camp storage chest for that.
MysterD: Also, I'd like The Warden's Keep DLC, so in DAO, then I would have somewhere to store my extra junk.
Namur: You can grab the camp storage chest for that.

Thanks for that link its always a pain humping it to Warden's Keep to store things. ;-)
The chest worked beautifully. I was not ready to head back to camp from my current location so I loaded up a previous save thinking I would have to leave camp and come back but it was already there. Great. Thanks and +1
Post edited August 29, 2010 by Lou
Lou: Thanks for that link its always a pain humping it to Warden's Keep to store things. ;-)
The chest worked beautifully. I was not ready to head back to camp from my current location so I loaded up a previous save thinking I would have to leave camp and come back but it was already there. Great. Thanks and +1

You're welcome Lou.
Yeah, the camp chest is alot more practical for storage than the one at the Keep ;)
Namur: Yeah, the camp chest is alot more practical for storage than the one at the Keep ;)

I bought the Warden's Keep DLC exactly 1 day before they released the Camp Chest. Feel like hammering myself still.
Namur: Yeah, the camp chest is alot more practical for storage than the one at the Keep ;)
cw8: I bought the Warden's Keep DLC exactly 1 day before they released the Camp Chest. Feel like hammering myself still.

Sorry about that but Warden's Keep is a nice evenings diversion even without the Chest. Not sure what you paid as mine came with the Collector's Edition but I hope you enjoyed the quest.
Warden's Keep also provides one other important function other than the storage chest and thats upgrading weapons and armor. Some stuff like Cailan's arms & armor, The Warden Commander Armor set and Duncan's Sword & Dagger scale to your level so you can acquire them at tier 4-5 depending on your level. Later in the game you can sell them to Mikhael Dryden and buy them back upgraded all the way to Dragonbone (tier 7).
cw8: I bought the Warden's Keep DLC exactly 1 day before they released the Camp Chest. Feel like hammering myself still.

eh, eh, that's usually the way it goes isn't it ? But the items, Starfang and the armor, are nice at least.
Pitty that after all the trouble to clean up the place there's no way to go back inside. Alistair's fault, i bet. He probably lost the key to the front door or something.