mystral: (Off-Topic)
I just read through this thread and I'm left wondering about the anti-DLC whining.
What exactly bothers you about this business model? It's not like anyone's forcing you to buy it or even like it's affecting the quality of the base product.
Cutting game elements out to sell separately: don't see that so.
Not being able to do everything: hate that. Paying extra for that: no problem, that's DLC basic.
However, I DO have a problem with buying those DLCs and not being able to resell them anymore. It's not that I actually do reselling, just that I couldn't if I wanted to.
Now going with the DA:O example, considering I'd have the basic game and all DLCs: I would have payed for both, but when I'd consider selling the basic game, my investment in the DLCs would turn useless for me. So I'm only able to pay for the time I used them without the option to get a fracture of my investment back, which basically is one thing: renting.
The difference between renting and actually buying not only consists of what you can do with the product, but also with the price you pay. And I feel the price they're asking for the amount of content they deliver, is a lot closer to selling then renting.
Now, I'm a CRPG addict. I played the heck out of Fallout 3, couldn't be without that ME2 game, gotten that copy of DA:O. But frankly, I had more then enough problems with just DA:O and the behaviour of bound DLCs, to feel like paying full price anymore for something that I'll
never own.
I still haven't gotten DA:O Awakening, still haven't even considered downloading the free DLCs coming with ME2, just don't care about when DA:O2 will get released, because I can see the whole thing repeating itself again and again. So as long as John Riccitiello is trying to rent me his products, I'm no longer willing to pay his buying price.
You have to ask yourself, what's next? What clever idea they'll come up with to get your money for something you'll be stuck with for eternity? Using Bioware-points for ingame gold in SW: old republic? Frighteningly that wouldn't surprise me.
So what I do is simply playing the waiting game. I wait for the release of that GotY / Ultimate / whatever edition and then I'll wait some more. Until the price went down to a point where I can say: don't care if it's on Steam / GfWL / whatever, bound to me for eternity or not, it's all together and I'm willing to pay that price for something, that I'm not able to resell again.