DarrkPhoenix: I've heard this before, and I can almost buy it, except then there are the cases where hooks for the DLC are included in the shipped game (e.g. the guy for Warden's Peak in DAO and the door to the Orrery in Oblivion). Do those things just not count as "content" in the model you described? Are they locked in early with the full intention of releasing DLC for them? Thrown in haphazardly at the last minute despite the rest of the project being locked in? I'm actually curious to know about this.
Okay lets look at the situation. They've been developing DAO for something like 4 years and the final game content (the plan that is not the implementation) is locked after say 2 years. When they're designing the game, they come up with a lot of story they want to tell but haven't got time to make, can't polish to an adequate level or would simply delay the core content in favour of something peripheral.
They realise that they have a lot of interesting side quest ideas that can't go into the core game and they're too disconnected to make into an expansion but then they get the idea of selving them until the core content is complete then taking the people who were doing the core content and shift them over to doing the DLC.
When they realise the DLC is clearly going to work, it really takes a negligible amount of work to add a single, generic NPC who's completely disconnected from the real world and as such has absolutely no consequence to the story and can't be affected by any ingame events and give him a single conversation tree which amounts to "If you have the DLC would you like to play it? yes/no". That sort of character cannot affect or be affected by the world or characters around him and acts as a play button, in short he is 100% isolated from the rest of DAO and as such could be made in literally a day's worth of work.
Also, I'm pretty damned sure that he wasn't there to begin with since the content wasn't launch ready, at least I sure as hell never saw him and when I first get a game I do tend to explore absolutely every millimetre so I'm damned sure I'd have noticed.
Was it a bit of a dick move putting a walking advert into your camp? Yes
Was it evidence of the content being ready for inclusion in the game and then being cut out by an evil mustachioed executive whilsy laughing maniacally thinking of all the hard won pennies he'll steal from sad orphans? No
Now I only have the GOTY Oblivion which came with everything already so I'm not sure if its the same deal there but I'd not be surprised if there was a single otherwise irrelevant character spruiking for the characters attention.