Posted August 27, 2010

Battledress of the Provocateur is a very good leather armor for a Rogue. Not as good as the Felon's Coat but better than Shadow of the Empire. Late game I usually give the Battledress to Zevran for the +1 Stamina regen and Felon's Coat to Leliana. Also Namur is spot on about the soundtrack, it's really good.
Darkspawn Chronicles IMO is the weakest one but it's worth playing to see the spectacularly bad choices Alistair made in your shoes. Blightblood is also a decent sword for Alistair in the OC at least till you have Starfang or The Keening Blade.
Golems is hard. Very hard in fact mostly due to the fact your companions are frigging useless at everything except dying. At one point you face 6 lieutenant level Golems who all use Rock Hurl at once. Usually this means you soloing that fight. You get three good items though, however the Maul is frankly cheating as it can be sold for 350 Gold in OC or 700 to Gorim in Denerim if you are a Dwarf Noble.
Ostagar is good if you take the Secret Companion there. Also Cailan's Arms are the best set hands down for an Arcane Warrior until Awakening when you get Vigilance and can pair it with Fade Wall.
Post edited August 27, 2010 by Delixe