Posted November 05, 2009

Registered: Oct 2008
From Japan

Registered: Nov 2008
From Sweden
Posted November 05, 2009

Cheap Plastic Version.... that'd be the non-collector's version, right? At least the CE has a thin layer of metal around the plastic - and then the plastic cover around on the metal... double plastic?
It's plasticulous!

Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada

Registered: Oct 2008
From Japan

Head Primate
Registered: Jan 2009
From United States

Sneaky Scribe
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States
Posted November 05, 2009

Head Primate
Registered: Jan 2009
From United States
Posted November 05, 2009

You don't even have to -do- anything. If a party member goes down in a fight, they just pop right back up after the fight's over. They -do-, however, have stat penalties applied to them due to "injuries" and each time they go down another injury gets applied. So you might have things like health regen penalties, stamina penalties, maximum health penalties, penalties to attack or defense. Stuff like that. You can make those go away with healing items or by transiting to a friendly location like a town or camp.

Sneaky Scribe
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States
Posted November 05, 2009

gotcha... so more like unconscious rather than dead. I guess the enemies don't do any crazy finishing moves on your party members then?

Head Primate
Registered: Jan 2009
From United States
Posted November 05, 2009

I haven't seen any. Then again, I'm usually too busy trying to just keep enough people alive to finish the fight. I really don't know why I keep getting beaten down so badly. It's not like I fight stupid. At least, I don't think I don't. I don't run headlong into ambushes, I try to flank my opponents when possible, tie up archers with a fast-mover to keep them from pelting my guys, use crowd-control spells to keep my melee fighters from getting wailed on too badly, but it seems that I still get clobbered in just about every skirmish. I've been seriously thinking about putting the difficulty down to easy, which is just... embarrassing.

Registered: Jan 2009
From United States
Posted November 05, 2009

Using magic at all? Keep in mind that on normal on the PC you still have friendly fire (which we all know is anything but). Other than that, who's to say you're supposed to keep everyone up through every fight at the beginning? Makes you wonder why they don't "kill" party members. :D

Brain Freeze
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted November 05, 2009

Take a look. The back is the same so I'm wondering if it actually *is* a box. That'd be cool in it's own little way. Still, comes with the cloth map apparently and was packaged in Singapore.
Thanks for the link, it looks nice.

Head Primate
Registered: Jan 2009
From United States
Posted November 05, 2009

Heh. As much as Morrigan and Alistair don't get along, I'm pretty sure she hasn't been blowing him up behind my back. I'm pretty good about keeping clean avenues of fire. And yeah, I know that when you're low level you're supposed to get walloped a lot, but... just as an example, I don't remember dying quite this often at low levels in, say, KotOR or Mass Effect, and Dragon Age seems to be trying for a similar feel. More thinking attached, yes, but roughly the same feel.

Game Elemental
Registered: Sep 2008
From Other
Posted November 05, 2009
I'm sort of tempted to buy this, but I'm terribly skeptical, and I'm already committed to buying Armored Princess later this month (I don't pay launch price for just anything, after all). I have to admit that I've liked more Bioware RPGs than I've disliked, but I still view them as largely hit-or-miss (albeit with consistent failings in particular areas), so I'm fairly sure this game is either pretty awesome or really boring. Unfortunately, the early marketing pretty much set me up to expect a story written by 14-year-olds.
I'm also concerned about the combat, because from the bits I've seen / read, it sounds like god-awful Baldur's Gate / NWN combat with better AI control, and I hate Baldur's Gate combat.
Does anyone feel like pushing me in either direction? Bioware has been hyping this game as the spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate, so for whatever it's worth, I loved Baldur's Gate II and despised Baldur's Gate I.
I'm also concerned about the combat, because from the bits I've seen / read, it sounds like god-awful Baldur's Gate / NWN combat with better AI control, and I hate Baldur's Gate combat.
Does anyone feel like pushing me in either direction? Bioware has been hyping this game as the spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate, so for whatever it's worth, I loved Baldur's Gate II and despised Baldur's Gate I.

The Creeper
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted November 05, 2009
these are the sex scenes, they are fairly tasteful so I will not include an NSFW tag.
these are the sex scenes, they are fairly tasteful so I will not include an NSFW tag.

Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted November 05, 2009

these are the sex scenes, they are fairly tasteful so I will not include an NSFW tag.
That was really disturbing. Thank you.