ambient_orange: i would try this game, but that blood on every character looks so stupid, weird or at least insane :D
then i saw a dragon age gallery full of bloody faces i thought - wtf, lo, fail.
It's pretty funny, especially if the characters are naked and covered in blood.
tacitus59: I downloaded it from steam. Despite the fact I am grousing about having to sign-up with yet another site; it appears to be going smoothly. But I am more than a bit annoyed with the reviews I have read which conveniently ignore (or more likely were too lazy to investigate) this necessity. Steam also needs to start mentioning things like this or GFWL requirements on their store page. Impulse gets points because they at least mentioned connection with EA servers. Alas according to the ars technica article the people who seem to being having the most problems bought from impulse.
yes, the dlc patcher wasn't built into the impulse version, I guess they wanted to use impulse for the dlc.. sadly it did not come to that.