Posted November 03, 2009

Easily Persuaded
Registered: Dec 2008
From United Kingdom

Just a dude
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States

Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted November 03, 2009

The console version doesn't have the tactical view either. It only has the 3rd person over-the-shoulder cam.

I knew there would be a reason that I really wanted to buy retail and not DD.
Post edited November 03, 2009 by Kingoftherings

Easily Persuaded
Registered: Dec 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted November 03, 2009

To this I can most certainly relate. I have so many games that I've barely touched on. Right now that even includes Mass Effect and Crysis Warhead which I picked up in EA Store sales. But it also includes Trine, Tales of Monkey Island and even Beyond Divinity (but I think I'll buy Divine from here and play that first). Plus a few more if I look around...
Yeah, I don't need to rush out and buy a full price title at the moment. I'll await a price cut or GoTY.

Once Proud
Registered: Dec 2008
From Australia
Posted November 03, 2009
I've got the 360 version on order from a place on ebay so it only cost me $70 rather than $110. I'd have gone for the PC version myself but there's no way my laptop could run it, gotta get a job so I can afford a decent PC
Kotaku posted a brief but mostly positive review of the PS3 version:
Kotaku posted a brief but mostly positive review of the PS3 version:

Your Ad Here
Registered: Sep 2009
From United States
Posted November 03, 2009
Looks solid but I'm not a fan of the control system -- going to wait for a sale. And, as someone else mentioned I still have Borderlands, Torchlight, and soon L4D2 on my plate. In addition to habitually playing TF2.
Post edited November 03, 2009 by Metro09

Not Merry
Registered: Sep 2008
From Ireland
Posted November 03, 2009

I'll take it. They sent me a "PLZ COM BAK" mail with a free 10 day trial a few weeks ago and might just install it again. I really should given I ran out and bought the collectors big box edition *sigh*
EA are experimenting again and all their new titles only have disc checks. It was the same with Need for Speed Shift. EA - Stepping away from the Evil, one baby step at a time.
Post edited November 03, 2009 by Delixe

Registered: Oct 2008
From United States
Posted November 03, 2009

Fun fact: The Collector's Edition DVD comes with 5 serial keys :p. 3 things to redeem for DA/ME2, one thing to redeem for Warhammer Online, and the actual install key.
What is DA/ME2? Mainly the ME2 part, I am assuming that DA is Dragon Age.
Post edited November 03, 2009 by honorbuddy

The Peepe
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted November 03, 2009

Fun fact: The Collector's Edition DVD comes with 5 serial keys :p. 3 things to redeem for DA/ME2, one thing to redeem for Warhammer Online, and the actual install key.

DA = Dragon Age
ME2 = Mass Effect 2 (no need for the MEPC this time, since they are going for simultaneous release last I checked)
Apparently the Dragon Blood Armor or whatever it is called has a DA version and an ME2 version. I suspect the lore and design will be different, but it is still nice (and will probably mean that I am going to pre-order ME2 for more DA toys).

Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted November 03, 2009
Someone preordered the lovely EA Store version of the Deluxe game for me for my birthday, god bless 'im.

Saves The Day
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted November 03, 2009
So, anyone played it yet? Is it really, as Marilyn Manson has constantly reminded us, "THE NEW SH******************T"?

Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted November 03, 2009

I'm about 3 hours in and it seems to be pretty good. It plays like Baldur's Gate and basically feels like an updated version of it with some of the staple MMO elements like the hot-key bar and cooldowns. Graphics leave a bit to be desired but who plays these games for graphics? Animations themselves are welldone. Story seems pretty good and the backstory given through various codex entries fleshes out the world. It scales really well with requirements despite what the official ones are.
I'll update this if it changes at all. Plan to play more tomorrow when I'm awake.
Post edited November 03, 2009 by Whiteblade999

The Peepe
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted November 03, 2009
I have only played a small amount (Human Noble origin story for a Male Warrior), but it has potential. I am going to have to fiddle around with the tactics and what not to set up AI, but so far it looks like only the player character (or whoever you have selected at any given time) will be micro-heavy, with the rest of the party using powers and what not as needed (or as set up with the tactics screen?).
And it is VERY gory, but so far it seems to work. Sort of like how previous Bonds never really got too messy, but Daniel Craig looked like what one would expect from brutally murdering a person with his bare hands.
As an example, the Human Noble has a pet dog (I named him "Shaggy Dog" in honor of the series of books that seem to have heavily influenced the crap out of this game :p) that gets into the pantry. You go to flush him out, find a bunch of rats (an NPC even makes the joke that all quests seem to start with killing rats). Well, after the fight, the dog is covered in blood, the PC is covered in blood, and the NPC is pretty gored up as well.
Still not sure what class I am going to go with (probably going to roll up a mage next, since I like controlling the PC, and battle seems kind of fast to be taking the tank off autopilot).
And it is VERY gory, but so far it seems to work. Sort of like how previous Bonds never really got too messy, but Daniel Craig looked like what one would expect from brutally murdering a person with his bare hands.
As an example, the Human Noble has a pet dog (I named him "Shaggy Dog" in honor of the series of books that seem to have heavily influenced the crap out of this game :p) that gets into the pantry. You go to flush him out, find a bunch of rats (an NPC even makes the joke that all quests seem to start with killing rats). Well, after the fight, the dog is covered in blood, the PC is covered in blood, and the NPC is pretty gored up as well.
Still not sure what class I am going to go with (probably going to roll up a mage next, since I like controlling the PC, and battle seems kind of fast to be taking the tank off autopilot).

Sneaky Scribe
Registered: Oct 2008
From United States
Posted November 03, 2009
my standard BG characters were either dwarf warrior with high constitution dual wielding axes or hammers, or a thief type character, so I'll probably go with one of those two to start, probably an assassin, maybe duelist

Registered: Oct 2008
From United States
Posted November 03, 2009

ME2 = Mass Effect 2 (no need for the MEPC this time, since they are going for simultaneous release last I checked)
Apparently the Dragon Blood Armor or whatever it is called has a DA version and an ME2 version. I suspect the lore and design will be different, but it is still nice (and will probably mean that I am going to pre-order ME2 for more DA toys).
Oh right. I do remember seeing some pictures of those shared armors.