Posted November 13, 2009

Given the actress' name, I think she might actually -be- French. So... you know. That's probably her real accent., and not a fake one. :D
And I was a little leery of her character going in because I'd been watching the trailers and such on the official site. And they all kinda gave me the impression that she was kinda this exceedingly fanatical, over-religious psychotic redhead. Or, as Alistair puts it, "More crazy? I thought we were full up?"
So I wasn't really sure what to make of her.
But hearing her explain in her own words her religious beliefs and why she took up with the Warden's party... well... all that stuff really sold me. Plus, she's just adorable and funny as hell.
* Leliana: "You are very beautiful Morrigan."
* Morrigan: "Tell me something I do not know."
* Leliana: "But you always dress in such rags. It suits you I suppose. A little tear here, a little rip there to show some skin. I understand."
* Morrigan: "You understand I lived in a forest, I hope?"
* Leliana: "Maybe we could get you in a nice dress one day. Silk. No, maybe velvet. Velvet is heavier, better to guard against the cold in Ferelden. Dark red velvet, yes. With gold embroidery. It should be cut low in the front of course, we don't want to hide your features."
* Morrigan: "Stop looking at my breasts like that. Tis most disturbing!"
* Leliana: "You don't think so? And if it's cut low in the front we must put your hair up to show off that lovely neck."
* Morrigan: "You are insane. I would sooner let Alistair dress me."
* Leliana: "It'll be fun, I promise! We'll get some shoes too! Ah, shoes! We could go shopping together!"