I have to say, I'm enjoying it a lot.
Played for about six hours straight, started wondering why I was feeling so hungry...
I'm playing as an Elf mage, which works out well for me, except it does the rather stupid NWN2 thing of putting you at the head of the party (so that post-conversation battles you're in the thick of it).
I have a slight problem with the characters though, I just don't care about any of them. Alisdair is good enough to have around, but the other two I've picked up so far I could take or leave.
I found the mouse controls a bit of a chore to start with also, getting used to what requires right clicks (movement, area-effect spells), and what requires left click. Not sure why they couldn't use a single click interface to be honest.
I've ended up using the chase camera, it tends to work best (i.e. the game was designed for it), and the overhead is only really useful when you're in a fight with lots of mobs.
Basically, I have lots of minor issues with it, but the game is great in general. It's not as good (in my eyes) to the BG trilogy, but it comes a lot closer than biowares recent other efforts.
On a side note:
Luned: Do you get something different if you start as Dwarf Commoner Rogue? Cause arena combat seems pretty suicidal for a low-level rogue, this wouldn't seem to be a good design choice on Bioware's part.
I read a review that said the dwarf/rogue path has a near impossible part near the start if you're playing on a harder difficulty. Perhaps you do get the arena then?