StonerMk2: Have to say honestly im shocked. Not shocked the guy was forum banned, not sure what his full post was. But i suppose with enough swearing and nay-saying it was justified. Now, taking away someone's ability to play a game they bought because something they said, now that is completely wrong and not justifiable in any way shape or form.
Stanley Woo:
"Please review the EA Community Terms of Service, particularly sections #9 and #11. There are two levels of enforcement here:
1. BioWare community bans are forum-only and can be for as little as 24 hours. These bans should have no effect on your game, only your ability to use all the features of this website/community. these bans are handed out by BioWare Moderators as the result of our travels around the forum and/or issues reported by fellow community members.
2. EA Community bans come down from a different department and are the result of someone hitting the REPORT POST button. These bans can affect access to your game and/or DLC. Because the BioWare community now operates under the same umbrella as all EA Communities, community members here have all explicitly agreed to abide by and be governed by both sets of rules. Consider it an added incentive to follow the rules you say you're going to follow.
If there are further questions or concerns, please send them to me via private message. Thank you.
End of line."
And EA wonder why people pirate. Its shit like whats bolded above that keep giving those people all the power in the world. Bad form EA...Bad form.
I don't care if he posted a link to a warez copy, I don't think it's okay to ban him from his own game. Saying "You can't play in our multiplayer environment" may arguably be okay (which is why I hate the idea of no LAN or private server games).