tinyE: Does this have anything to do without how many of them it takes to screw in a light bulb?
Are we talking about politicians? They can, you know, screw anything, even light bulb in so many ways, to even Kamasutra will blush: they can screw it in, out, sideways, upside down, entirely, partially, possibly, impossibly, and, most certainly, wrong way. They also can create a commity, call a summit, impose taxes, add lught bulbs sex education, put a campaign against bulbs' racism, create a fund against bulb violence. They will even run media campaign against that well known "threat" who prevents bulb replacement and impose sanctions on that abovementioned threat, run a budget race to create "light bulb replacement warp drive", promising working prototype in next 20 years, but they will do that in the dark, because nobody of them won't going to move a finger to replace the bulb - this job is too stressing, and may undermine the whole importance of bulb-related issues solution.