Double Fine is asking for more money.
Mrstarker: Wrong. They are financing the rest of the budget from their own money.
Quote from Eurogamer:
"He intends to sell the first half of the game on Steam Early Access next year and use the money it makes to fund development of the second half." Certainly doesn't sound like they're using their own money to finance the rest of the budget. Rather, they're selling an alpha of the game on Steam and using the funds from that to finance it.
Ergo, they're asking for more money.
Double Fine are lazy, greedy, [insert adjective here].
Mrstarker: Wrong. Anyone who has seen the documentary knows that they are hard-working people and wanting to make a better game does not make you greedy.
The project was mismanaged.
Mrstarker: This one's not entirely wrong, actually. They have made mistakes, as people who watch the documentary know. But you know what, part of managing projects is dealing with stuff like this.
Lazy? Greedy? Probably not. But certainly sloppy and chaotic.
The game has failed.
Mrstarker: Wrong. The game isn't even out yet. This one is most baffling to me, personally.
"Failed" does put a rather strong slant on it, but it does put a big question mark over what will happen if DF are unable to raise the additional funds it needs to complete the second half. Given that we've already ascertained that DF is reliant on this Steam Early Access income, it's very possible that they will not be able to finance the completion of the second part.
Put it this way - it might not have 'failed', but its chances of success have just dropped dramatically.
We are getting half a game.
Mrstarker: Wrong. You are getting twice the game with no additional effort from your part, half of it early, if you want, and it looks absolutely amazing from what I've seen of it.
Backers might be getting half a game - again, contingent on whether DF can raise the necessary funds to finance the second half. Even Tim himself refers to "cutting the game in half".
What they are not getting is '"twice the game" - I'm sorry, but that's just pandering bullshit.
Personally, I think it's more likely that a publisher will eventually step in to bail Double Fine out given the interest surrounding this title.