Well, I want it to succeed too, I haven't liked any DF game I've played but I thought Grim Fardango had some of the best writing and story design I've ever seen in an adventure game. But if a project can be funded on Kickstarter to the tune of 800% and only make half the game, something is wrong with that company.
It's not just about DF either, it's also about the perceived legitimacy of crowdfunding, events like these attract negative publicity and make it even harder for less known indies to crowdsource funding.
Even Brian Fargo said in an interview that he understands the pressure of delivering a good product on time because it's not just them who are damaged if they and other "big" video game kickstarters mess up, it's all the other indies wanting to crowdsource.
Mrstarker: Like I'm going to divulge private backer information. All I can say is that you are wrong when you claim that they have only managed to bring one area to alpha.
No offense, but you talk like a self-important, pretentious little prat. Come down from that high-horse when you want to treat with the adults and not behave like you're above everyone else for having backed a Kickstarter.