I don't want to get VERY involved in this discussion, but I think there's a misunderstanding here. If I'm not mistaken, Zeewolf says you don't know how much it'd cost in USD, as it isn't given as an option. Not likely, but maybe a game sold on DotEmu for X EUR would be sold for 2X USD, which would mean it's a better deal in Euros.
On the other hand, I understand why you want to only stick to places offering goods for USD.
Back on topic, I see potential in the new competitor, but I doubt I will use it. Also, I'll only take it well if it caters for seekers of ROMs in a legal way. If they start expanding into the area GOG plays in and "snatch" games or even whole publishers, meaning they will only appear on/give games to DotEmu's site, that wil annoying, to say the least.