I bought the Super id Software Pack in December of '09. I'm still missing RAGE, which a friend picked up in a later id sale, but I did get Quake 4, and Wolfenstein was still on Steam and part of the pack when I bought it. Enemy Territory: Quake Wars never had a good deal before they removed it on Steam, but it still sits at the top of my wishlist. It's not quite as related, but I also have Prey from a retail copy. I've been fortunate enough to have collected a number of games prior to their removal from Steam, GOG, and even DotEmu. It's rather depressing. :(
I had an interest in BFG initially. I thought I might check it out for $2.50 one day. Primarily for the new levels, but seeing as how those levels don't seem to have had all that much effort put into them... and that they censored the classic Doom games and removed several titles from sale, I think they can go fuck themselves.
There's something I'm wondering though. When you buy BFG, do they add the original Doom 3 and Resurrection of Evil to your Steam account as well? What about the classic Doom games? Do they add Ultimate Doom, Doom II, Master Levels, and Final Doom to your account with the purchase of BFG, or can you only play Doom I and II from inside of BFG? From what I've been hearing, it seems to be implied that none of this is the case at all, but I haven't quite found a solid answer to that yet.