Red_Avatar: (and most people I know do so too)
I can do that too: "Most people I know are certain of existence of spaghetti monster, therefore it must exist" :-P
Red_Avatar: - the guns felt too weedy, deaths were nowhere near as satisfying, enemies were not numerous enough and corridor combat is generally considered to be a BAD thing for FPS games.
Corridor combat ... Yeah, not so good. As far as how guns felt, we'll just have to agree to disagree. I found Doom 3 to be a perfect example of weapon and enemy balance: Everything's had it's use in certain situations, and even the most powerful enemy could be defeated with no health loss whatsoever, and that's not because they would be too easy / insufficiently varied. There's only few FPS games that can do this. And that there weren't loads of them? How is that a disadvantage, every enemy's had a strength and every enemy posed a challenge in certain situation, that's what counts.
Red_Avatar: Since it's all scripted to boot and enemies only appear after you run across an invisible line, it makes it very fake and uninteresting.
... In your opinon. I never really cared, thanks to great gunplay, I've actually finished the game about 4 times.
Red_Avatar: ... there's countless better FPS games out there that do things far better.
There's countless FPS games that do some parts of the gameplay better. In other parts, Doom 3 shines. Well it's about weapon balance, enemy balance and satisfying gunplay, but that's all I really do care about when I want to play FPS, and there's really a small ammount of good, slow paced FPS games.
Red_Avatar: Even id Software admitted that they were seriously limited by their engine
I don't really care. Bigger rooms would be cool, that much is true. I'm not saying the game is flawless. But I genuinely liked light vs weapon choice.